Control the Throne

Oh yeah.

Also, there are doors that open to only me. If someone else shows up, they kill him instantly.
My ghost will haunt you forever, as I hide inside your throne.
Let's make this more interesting, gentlemen!

*neptune presses a button, causing hundreds of identical thrones to drop from the ceiling; doors on the sides of the thread walls open and start launching various animals out, including carnivores such as lions, tigers, cheetahs, lynxes, wolves, bears, foxes, and various birds of prey, and herbivores, such as rabbits, giraffes, elephants, hippos, rhinos, deer, cows, horses, even chickens and pheasants come flying out and cause havok, and there's also a few large reptiles such as komodo dragons, crocodiles and alligators; the floor begins to pulsate, causing everything to become unstable to walk on, and trap doors begin opening and closing at random all over the floor. The thread is plunged into absolute chaos*

Whoever is on the "real" throne and is the last standing will be airlifted out of the thread with the throne itself. Then the real game will begin!

Have fun, everyone!

*sits back and eats popcorn again, before being dragged away by a bear who thinks he is one of her cubs*

Neptune, my friend, it is clear that everyone here would still be able to get the throne on the next post, no matter how hard the challenge gets.

Though I'd do the same thing if I were you.

*While I've been monologuing you got so bored you didn't notice me deactivate all security systems and snatch the throne.*
LED42 tries to find the thrown, but there seems no evidence of it. They seem like there are many fakes, but no way to tell if they are real. Meanwhile, I start teleporting one at a time to a spot fall from where they are and try them out until I find the right one.
I kill you before you before you find the real throne. I then set all the thrones on fire. The real didn't catch fire but the fakes do, and I take control of it. I defend it with C-3 from the lost levels.
No it's not a problem of quantity. It's quality we're talking about here!
The Entire Galactic Empire said:
did i mention all the thrones are non-flammable?
There is only one throne.
The rest are fake and flammable.
You burn to death and everything but the walls and the real throne burns up. You die in the fire, along with everyone else as they had no idea what they were talking about.
I guard the throne with world C-3 from the lost levels
Electriking said:
The Entire Galactic Empire said:
did i mention all the thrones are non-flammable?
There is only one throne.
The rest are fake and flammable.
You burn to death and everything but the walls and the real throne burns up. You die in the fire, along with everyone else as they had no idea what they were talking about.
I guard the throne with world C-3 from the lost levels

Man, who says where is his secret hideout?
Maybe it's a trap... and it is! The throne was found dead in D-4, with a death note hanging on a knife that went through its comfy cushion. It says "I warned you, you let someone else sit on you. It's over, throne, we're through! Love, Electriking."

Wow, he even had the audacity to sign his letter by his own name. So in the end, he was brought on the court of law and was sentenced for life in prison because the death of M. Throne is the cause that triggered World War 3, as his death have affected dictators around the world who wanted to sit on that throne and be kings of the world. Now they would endlessly fight for something no one will ever get.

And that's what happens when you murder thrones.
Until, one day, in a graveyard near D-4, there was a sudden frantic scratching. Earth was torn from its place as a hideous figure rose from the grave. The zombie throne groaned.
Electriking said:
The Entire Galactic Empire said:
did i mention all the thrones are non-flammable?
There is only one throne.
The rest are fake and flammable.
You burn to death and everything but the walls and the real throne burns up. You die in the fire, along with everyone else as they had no idea what they were talking about.
I guard the throne with world C-3 from the lost levels
i don't know about you fella, but i'm known to be rather non-flammable by nature

heck, who do you think came up with the material for the European Union flags? It wasn't me, but I'm pretty sure I'm a lot like that guy who I don't know anything about.

what i'm trying to say is, hey, have a little fun, make things a little crazy, it's not so much the destination as the journey, they say

also, burning to death? I think my fireproof g-string - which i'm TOTALLY not wearing right now - would like to have a word with you!