Control the Throne

You get frostbite and I make a normal throne.

Throne get.
I use my severed toes to choke you.

Throne is mine, and to stop you I put a huge obstacle course in front of you.
I eat a one up Mushroom and nuke the whole kingdom.

Throne and all users destroyed.
No throne anymore + we're all already dead.

They present the remains of where I was standing a new throne but nobody can sit on it because all users are dead.
I stop your Racoon dancing and make it eat a hand grenade. I then attach it to you and place you on a far away railway track.

I drop a bomb on the throne.
But you guys all use your bodies to defend it, and die in the process.

I take the throne.
I put a skunk on the throne.

Nobody wants it. I also steal your hands, feet and weapons so you can't attack it, and I drop them down into a pit of lava.
I didn't even get the throne. The skunk said throne get.

You sit on the skunk and it attacks you. Now you stink and the government votes you to take a shower. I steal the throne while this happens. Throne get!
My floating, disembodied head headbutts you off a cliff and into a fast moving lake which carries you far away.
I shoot you down. That darn dog picks you up by the neck. Curse him to...

Anyway, throne still smells of skunk. I make you dangerously allergic to thrones. THRONE GET!