Control the Throne

That was my clone-in your drugged-up rage you killed a scientific discovery that would change the world. The admins arrest you. I take throne.
the judge decided that the world didnt need changing. the admins let me go and instead arrest the guy who created the discovery. now I'm not high, leaving me free to plot my revenge. after 2 posts, I kill whoever is on the throne with a sniper rifle.
Dancing Raccoon said:
No illegal things, so I kept the throne
what, so drugging me (not gonna name any names, *cough* concrete donkey *cough*) isnt illegal? oh well. you were too busy saying that dancing racoon was keeping the throne 3 times... any way, so busy doing that I was able to blow up the throne and put the remains back together with super glue to get the throne.
I rush Dancing Racoon on one of those tables back from the hospital and run you over, before chucking him off an extremely high cliff.

Throne get.
I remove your kneecaps. Then I trade you for a tortoise with porple.

Throne get.
I replace the tortoise with 5 snapping turtles. youre so busy being ripped limb from limb by the turtles, I just walk up and sit on the throne, laughing at your screams of pain.
The Dude Got "Throne"!
I make friends with the turtles-they return my limbs and attack you. I sit on the throne and grab some popcorn. I then attack you with a rifle and the turtles run away to the zoo-with you in their stomachs.
Throne get.
I shove you off the throne so hard, you get FALCON PAWNCHed.

Throne get.
unit4545 said:
I take your case and say that falcon punches are copyrighted, and he get's counter sued for 1000$

Dancing Raccoon said:
I say he said Falcon Pawnch, not Punch.

Keen Eye

Yes, so I counter-sue and get all my money back. Anyway, he got punched off the throne, so I didn't even say anything.

Then I bribe DR off the throne with unit4545's money.