Do you know what the above user's avatar is?

A two-dimensional version of the man in green.
Flat Green Mario
Rosie from the tenth (or was it eleventh? No, wait, it was tenth) season of Thomas the Tank Engine. Don't ask how I know that.

Why is my heart beat rapidly increasing all of a sudden? Should I be concerned?
UPDATE: The beating has subsided.
Lonk from Pennsylvania
Uh... wait, am I supposed to reply to say if the answer is correct? (It's not, but close)

In any case, uh, is your avatar a Harvest Moon character?
I don't know who that avatar is, I'm not a big anime watcher / manga reader.
Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Celia?
Tony the Tiger's future wife.
A Shroob from M&L:PiT.