Rayman Legends for Wii U

With the Wii U, though, you can get New Super Mario Bros. U and future Nintendo titles such as Mario Kart, but ok, pick your decision.
Wii U will do you better in the long term you know Yoshidude.

Also yes this will affect Nintendo's Wii U sales but not too much.
Sometimes, you get what you buy though, but I understand if money is very tight.
Just get basic for now. It's not that much more expensive.

You can get a 360 if you want.
I think a PS3 would be better for you.

For you:
Wii U > PS3 > 360
I'll think about it. The reason I brought it up is because Im ight be able to get a new console for my birthday this year and Legends is released a month after.
Oh yeah... Guess that makes sense. I already have a Wii U and damn it, I'm going to support it. I feel like this kind of move could ruin the Wii U. It didn't have good third party support before, but it managed to live off the casual gaming demographic... for a little while. They can't do that now, and they NEED that fall back.
Yeah Ubisoft are affecting Wii U sales nicely.

It's still for Wii U however. I guess we'll now have to wait until E3.

I'm sure but is Dead Space 3 for WiiU or is that just a PS360 game.
NSY said:
Yeah Ubisoft are affecting Wii U sales nicely.

It's still for Wii U however. I guess we'll now have to wait until E3.

I'm sure but is Dead Space 3 for WiiU or is that just a PS360 game.

It's on 360, PS3 and PC.
Castle Rock is one of the few stages ever made that made me laugh out loud. I mean, killing and jumping enemies to the beat was really hilarious! I love that idea so much. I am looking forward to see what other levels that might use that feature.
Don't worry guys, Ubisoft is releasing a new Wii U exclusive demo to compensate!

That isn't a joke, but releasing a demo doesn't excuse them from delaying an already finished game just so they can make it a multiplatform title and "make more money". Epic Mickey 2 was multi-plat and it sold worse than the first, Wii- exclusive, one, so they're just losing consumer loyalty with this.
I heard that Microsoft has some thing where multi-platforms have to be released on the same date...? Is that true or not?
Will you guys think of me as a douche if I buy the PS3 version? I already have a PS3, and I'm not one who buys a console for one game.
Poppy Bro Sr. said:
Will you guys think of me as a douche if I buy the PS3 version? I already have a PS3, and I'm not one who buys a console for one game.

No, you can buy it for what you want. It's not like your being forced to play the Wii U version any longer.
If the game was nearly finished I don't see why Ubisoft couldn't just release the Wii U version now and release the other versions in September. I hope it gets ported to 3DS too. Murfy could work well on the touchscreen.

A list of 10 reasons why delaying Rayman Legends was a terrible idea, with pictures animated by Brawl in the Family artist and writer, Matthew Taranto (TriforceBun):


...Although Wii U owners are getting a bit more compensation with this:

That's cool and all, but I'm not much of an online gamer myself. Still, nice to know that Ubisoft may or may not have realized that the demo quick-fix was stupid.
The only compensation I'll accept is the release of the actual game (meaning I'll accept none at all).
What Ubisoft is basically doing with that demo is covering that deep machete wound with a small band-aid.