Rayman Legends for Wii U

Smashgoom202 said:
A list of 10 reasons why delaying Rayman Legends was a terrible idea, with pictures animated by Brawl in the Family artist and writer, Matthew Taranto (TriforceBun):


...Although Wii U owners are getting a bit more compensation with this:

That's cool and all, but I'm not much of an online gamer myself. Still, nice to know that Ubisoft may or may not have realized that the demo quick-fix was stupid.
So you guys all upset about it not being only Wii U can at least be satisfied that there will be more in the Wii U version.
There's a rumor going around that Michael Ancel (the creator of Rayman) and his team will leave Ubisoft because of this... And that Nintendo might be partially to blame for the Xbox 360/PS3 ports...


But it's just a rumor, so who knows.
I'm actually hoping they leave Ubisoft and find a new publisher, actually.
Baby Luigi said:
I'm actually hoping they leave Ubisoft and find a new publisher, actually.
But have you seen what happened to other franchises when that happened.
Bad, I know. But Ubisoft is being a flippin' jerk to the poor developers.
Smashgoom202 said:
There's a rumor going around that Michael Ancel (the creator of Rayman) and his team will leave Ubisoft because of this... And that Nintendo might be partially to blame for the Xbox 360/PS3 ports...


But it's just a rumor, so who knows.
That would be really bad.
Even if they'd Port it to another 2 platforms, they should have done it at the very beginning, or at least, release the Wii U Version now, and the other 2 later on.
That's how they treat DS and 3DS Ports as well (hint hint, Rayman Origins).

Besides, not only the Wii U needs more good games right now, September is as well the release of GTA V, so no PS3 nor X360 owner will care about Rayman Legends.
They might. Only one third of those gamers will be getting GTA5 at that time.
Actually, PS3 and X360 gamers are different from Wii U gamers.
While PS3 and X360 owners usually play games with blood, shooting, all that kind of stuff, Wii U owners tend to look for some friendlier Platformers like Mario, Rayman, Sonic, etc.
Bump, the Challenges App got released today.
Cool also as I have said before in another topic I have played the Castle Rock level on a Wii U and it was awesome.
I might check out the challenge thing. I didn't care for this game to begin with but free stuff is perfectly okay with me

MKGirlism said:
Actually, PS3 and X360 gamers are different from Wii U gamers.
While PS3 and X360 owners usually play games with blood, shooting, all that kind of stuff, Wii U owners tend to look for some friendlier Platformers like Mario, Rayman, Sonic, etc.

Thats a pretty big assumption. I'm pretty sure this is what pisses off a lot of people, when we just automatically assume they only like games for the blood or shooting. The same can be said the other way too when people assume that people who have a Wii U or 3DS only like family-friendly games.
I don't think you read it correctly.
Let me say what I said before:

"While PS3 and X360 owners usually play games with blood, shooting, all that kind of stuff..."
In English, it means not all people, but usually.
There's a difference.

"...Wii U owners tend to look for some friendlier Platformers like Mario, Rayman, Sonic, etc."
Again, not all people, and I wasn't even talking about the 3DS in here.
That's still a big assumption that pisses people off, it's not a fact. Everybody has different tastes in games and whether they like a game or not isn't dependent on if it has lots of blood or guns. Some people like shooters, but that's no different to someone liking platformers or RPG's. I read it correctly and I disagree with it, that is all.
I know everyone likes different types of games, but again, I didn't say every PS3 and Xbox 360 user plays on blood and guns only.
If it was so, then there wouldn't be any other game on these platforms, and I'd never buy these Consoles, if it was like that.
Usually implies majority. Otherwise it wouldn't be usual.

Anyway, I played the challenge thing. I really enjoyed the Castle Rock level and the Land of the Livid Dead Daily Challenge. I unlocked knight Rayman and I'm awesome level 1, I'll probably play it daily since they could have some interesting levels.
I bought this game yesterday and I am thoroughly enjoying this game. It's so much better than any Mario platformer I ever played and I think it would beat any other Mario platformer I hadn't played. It's like everything Origins had (even with its levels!) except a greater expansion and some new ideas I never saw before in a platformer. I highly recommend this for platforming fans and it's 50 million times better than New Super Mario Bros. U. Just like Origins, the enemies and baddies have much personality and creativity. The music is also excellent, plus the music levels are freaking boss. This game is definitely worth my 60 bucks. My sister and I had fun throughout the game, and the Murfy levels, though abundant, were always fun.

If you haven't liked Origins, then you shouldn't buy this game, as it plays very similarly to it.
I got the game yesterday and I beat the first world, as well as rescued all the Teensies there. It's all pretty awesome, epic stuff! I was worried that there would be forced co-op with the Murfy feature, but really, the stages that do require Murfy are just as fun and engaging as normal levels. And those musical levels... I only played through Castle Rock so far, and boy, is it just... trying to think of a word to describe it that isn't "awesome" or "epic"... Ah, whatever.

There are some nitpicks, though, and they're mostly to do with the Lucky Tickets. Now, from what I've seen, you can only really get 4 things out of those: Lums, Teensies, Creatures, or Rayman Origins levels, which incidentally are pretty much the same levels, just with different things to find in them to match this game (Teensies instead of Electoons, etc.). Now, you can pretty much get Lums and Teensies through normal gameplay; Hell, you can pretty much have an unlimited number of Lums just by replaying old levels, which sometimes you need to do in order to get all the Teensies you didn't get in one go. Creatures just give you extra Lums, or Skull Coins (which also give you Lums), so really, the only thing the Lucky Tickets give you that you can't get through normal gameplay are the Rayman Origins levels... I bring this up because it feels like a very tacked-on feature, and you could have unlocked the Rayman Origins legends through something else... Hell, what if you run out of ways to get Lucky Tickets and don't have all the Rayman Origins levels? I guess you're just screwed then... The fact that you can win Teensies through Lucky Tickets, though, has me very confused, since there's a counter on the upper right-hand corner of the screen, so what, does it go over if you win a Teensie and rescue all the Teensies in the game? Ah well... at the very least Ubisoft isn't selling Lucky Tickets for actual money.

...Please don't do that, Ubisoft. I know it's tempting and the thought it there, just please, don't.

I also kind of which I knew more about Barbara and the other princesses you play as in this game, or that it was more clear if the Teensy dressed up as The Magician and/or Mr. Dark from the first game is really a ret-conned The Magician and/or Mr. Dark or just a rogue Teensy who happens to have been a big fan of their's... After all, there are Teensies dressed up like Rayman and Globox, so...

Ah well, the game is still good, and the cutscenes are also good fun as well! If you don't have this game yet, I highly recommend you go out and get it soon!
I didn't even know it was out. Nintendo's stellar advertising efforts at work again.
Mario4Ever said:
I didn't even know it was out. Nintendo's stellar advertising efforts at work again.
Well, can't really blame them here, because now it's available on Xbox 360 and PS3... I remember seeing an ad for it over on the Escapist on the day of it's release, but then it disappeared immediately afterward. So yeah, great advertising.
I have enough money to get this and I really want it. Once I have finished Batman Arkham Asylum I might see about it. If not then I will probably get it for Christmas.
Ness said:
Wii U verison sold more than PS3 and 360
It's only just come out. It's too early to say anything about sales.
That's what people are saying... not only that, but it apparently outsold the original by 20% in it's first week!


...Also, check out this sweet animation:


Just completed the Toad Story world myself. The game's hella fun!