What inspired YOUR username?

There was this guy on YouTube named Cutmanrules, and I decided to use the same formula with a character I love. Dimentiorules has been my username since 2009 or 2010. I first used it on the Brawl in The Family forums, which sadly no longer exist.
Dimentiorules said:
There was this guy on YouTube named Cutmanrules, and I decided to use the same formula with a character I love. Dimentiorules has been my username since 2009 or 2010. I first used it on the Brawl in The Family forums, which sadly no longer exist.
That's similar to how I came up with my name. *character I like* + *positive thing* + (I also used my favorite number) =favoritecharacterthegoodthingfavoritenumber (fawfulthegreat64)

Also on GameFAQs: "greatdimentio" using the same character you used :P
This name's based on the antagonist from Wreck-it Ralph, who I happen to also like. :)
How I came up with Mintiously:

I have a bunch of mint clothes. I began to like mint. I chose the "iously" part since it sounded mysterious.
Well, this is probably going to be the weirdest one on here. Saying that though, BBQ Turtle's not the most sensible name around, and I'm not really the most sensible person around either!

Surprisingly, I am not a big fan of Barbecues, or Koopa Troopas (Or any of the other turtle-like species for that matter either really!).

Basically, I had this game on my tablet called "Prize Claw 2" and there was an undersea machine on it and one of the prizes you had to collect was a Turtle. When you collected him, he said "Barbecue" in a very Australian accent, which me and my brother found absolutely hilarious and it soon became a running joke. When I next needed a user name for something, I used BBQ Turtle as a joke, and I've been using it for non-serious things ever since. If you bump into a BBQ Turtle somewhere, it's probably me.
Toad is underrated the poor guy. I kinda like him (I hate in Mario Kart Wii with his cocky laugh). He is possibly my favourite male bar Dr Mario but I thought that would be taken. I will like to stay as Toad-Party for a while though, I kinda like that name.
All right, but first names usually stick very long to people.
Marshal Dan Troop is the main character my favorite tv show Lawman.
I took a dump on my keyboard and then it typed Bowserworld3 LOL

just kidding, I actually just like bowser so I put world after it and then a number greater than 1.
My trademark when it comes to names is having a J- in front, so I added it to the name of a character I like. Since J-Yoshi already exists, I went with the next character that came to mind.
My old username was Rpg gamer. I really liked the Mario RPGs, I, for some reason, thought 'gamer' made a username cool, and I didn't know how to caPitalIsE properly.
My new (and improved) name is Mister Apple. I go by this almost everywhere, and the reason is because I really like apples. That's all there is to it!
Brutal Doom.
I originally considered DJ Octavio but decided on Marie since she is my favorite character in Splatoon, so I decided to make it my username for this month.
"win" is part of my English name, while the "stein" is from the name "Einstein". It's a pretty simple name that unfortunately gets used in certain places, so I cannot always use this username.

Thank you for reading.
My name hails from being in the Megaman fandom, and a trope to some past experiences (Named after my favorite Classic, and NetNavi version of Bass/Forte). In reality, there is a card dubbed Forte Reborn, and I wish I would of gotten it in the past. But yes, that is how my name game to be, and has stuck with me since 2011.
I have been spelling my name "Julia" on the internet, even though I am named Giulia in real life.

And the "BM" part? That stood for Bloxmes, which comes from this Roblox hat description. I don't know what that word means, but I started using it in my old identity, JuliaBloxmes, from early 2015 to late 2016, and then just had it shortened to "Julia-BM" across most of my social networks, even if I don't play Roblox as much as I used to.

I might find a new meaning for "BM" in the future.
WAAAAAAY back, barely over a decade ago, when I was 6 or so, I joined Webkinz, and my first username came unto the world. I chose part of my first name, Cameron, and shortened it to "Cam", since at the time (and heck, even today,) I preferred being called "Cam" instead of the whole "Cameron." I then also took my favorite character from the Peanuts comics (I loved Charlie Brown as a kid and still have a soft spot for the series as a whole), Woodstock. I then combined them into, well, Camwoodstock.

When I first signed up for YouTube a few months later (...yeah, they REALLY didn't give a damn about my age, but that's another story for another thread), I kept using Camwoodstock, and the name stuck. I only ever deviate from it for if that username is somehow taken, or if I signed up in the past but lost the password + any means of recovering it.