Give the next poster an item

"OW!" "screw you xanthium!"

next person gets a mewtwo
I brainwashed the mew(insert whatever number here).

Alright, next user gets a sunglasses.
No, you accepted it, and used it to fight crime. You just gave me a highly dangerous super weapon. I use it to blow up planets.

Next user gets a baby kitten
I THROW IT ON Wait, a kitten? Ohhh. I keep it for my experiments as a pet. A very cute pet.

Next user gets an item designed to be thrown.
I use it in my master plan to rule the universe. Thank you.

Next user gets an extra propeller. I don't really need it, I have enough propellers as it is. Hence the extra.
I sharpen the propeller, making it look mike a circular blade for the kitten.

Next user gets that circular blade slicing towards him.

Yay! Pag'd.
Thanks. I knew you'd probably sharpen it and send it back to me. I use it to chop you up into little pieces, killing you. Sorry about that. I then put it on my Air Flagship.

Next user gets a plank of wood.
too bad i'm invulnerable to wrath of level 2 users. Love being level 230. :3

Next user gets an exp point