Give the next poster an item


Next user gets killed
Item. Getting killed is not an item.
Next user gets the definition of "item".
From the Oxford Dictionary of English:
item said:
an individual article or unit, especially one that is part of a list, collection, or set
[@]a piece of news or information
[@]an entry in an account
Next user gets a dictionary
Yay, a doorstop for my room!

Gives next user a nuclear arsenal.
*kills it with fire*

Next user gets a corpse of Tingle.
*launches Birdo into the heap of dead burnt Tingles*

Next user borrows my catapult.
Sadly, I sink into the ground and cause a 4.5 earthquake.

Next user gets an indestructible, expensive TV set that airs only Dora the Explorer and Fanboy and Chum Chum. If you attempt to sell it, give it away, or in any way let go your possession of it (this feature activates once you receive it, so I don't feel its effects), or if you don't watch 5 hours of this TV a day, your house explodes and you will remain unemployed for the rest of your life.
I befriend my clone and we go play Super Smash Bros. (forever alone ;~;) together, but we fight over who gets to use the GameCube controller.

Next user gets a copy of Super Smash Bros. for Wii U with everything that has been put on it so far.