PrincessOfPeaches Oh, did I win? Apr 22, 2013 #727 When you tell them all your problems, they get bored
chillv 9-Volt must be my video game counterpart. Apr 22, 2013 #728 When they get bored, they start doing crazy things just like you were doing. Next one is the conclusion!
When they get bored, they start doing crazy things just like you were doing. Next one is the conclusion!
M MCS Donkey Kong Apr 25, 2013 #729 no, that one was the conclusion New chain. That one sucked anyways. When you get your drivers' license, you eagerly get into your new car.
no, that one was the conclusion New chain. That one sucked anyways. When you get your drivers' license, you eagerly get into your new car.
P Prince Bowser Junior Blooper Apr 25, 2013 #730 When you eagerly get into your new car, you start driving.
B BowserJunior 3.14159265358979323846... Apr 26, 2013 #731 When you start driving, you realize you're brakes don't work.
chillv 9-Volt must be my video game counterpart. Apr 26, 2013 #734 When you break your arm, you go to the hospital.
M marioman1213 ROSERADE HAS RETURNED! ...As a Bombchu. Apr 27, 2013 #736 When you get medicine, you get addicted to drugs.
chillv 9-Volt must be my video game counterpart. Apr 27, 2013 #737 When you get addicted to drugs you start engaging in dangerous activities.
Revin Ace Captain MarioWiki Reverse Input Apr 28, 2013 #738 when you start engaging in dangerous activities, you get to eat a sandwich don't eat a sandwich
chillv 9-Volt must be my video game counterpart. Apr 28, 2013 #740 When you eat it, you find that it's poisoned and it kills you. Don't let things like this happen to you. New chain!
When you eat it, you find that it's poisoned and it kills you. Don't let things like this happen to you. New chain!
M marioman1213 ROSERADE HAS RETURNED! ...As a Bombchu. Apr 28, 2013 #741 When you become a comedian, you perform onstage
LN1 L - N - 1 May 2, 2013 #743 When you start to sweat, you retire of your career for at least a week.
M MCS Donkey Kong May 2, 2013 #744 When you retire of your career for at least a week, you resume it a week later.
LN1 L - N - 1 May 2, 2013 #745 When you resume it a week later, you faint in the middle of a show because of the pressure.
chillv 9-Volt must be my video game counterpart. May 2, 2013 #746 When you faint in the middle of a show because of the pressure, you find out that you actually died. Don't make yourself die like that. New chain!!
When you faint in the middle of a show because of the pressure, you find out that you actually died. Don't make yourself die like that. New chain!!
M MCS Donkey Kong May 3, 2013 #747 no, we still have 4 more to do before a new chain Back from LN1's post because we can't really go anywhere from yours: When you faint in the middle of a show because of the pressure, the paramedics rush you to the emergency room.
no, we still have 4 more to do before a new chain Back from LN1's post because we can't really go anywhere from yours: When you faint in the middle of a show because of the pressure, the paramedics rush you to the emergency room.
LN1 L - N - 1 May 4, 2013 #748 When you get rushed to the ER, it turns out you don't have an emergency but you do need a diagnosis.
M MCS Donkey Kong May 4, 2013 #749 When it turns out you need a diagnosis, they diagnose you with the worst of all - horribleus comedianus.
When it turns out you need a diagnosis, they diagnose you with the worst of all - horribleus comedianus.
LN1 L - N - 1 May 4, 2013 #750 When you get diagnosed horribleus comedianus, you try to study for another career when your current age is 30.
When you get diagnosed horribleus comedianus, you try to study for another career when your current age is 30.