What if your avatar met the avatar above?

I'm the mainest of video game charaters. I'm a walking beautiful video game reference.
It's a small price to pay for fashion. You should try out being in a dress. It's comfy!
I just wanted to feel how it's like to be a princess, Yoshi! Don't eat my dress.
Ok, but apparently you stole another Toad's hat too, because I find it pretty suspicious of you to have a blue cap on your avatar but a red one in your sig.
I'm finally out of my sweaty, nasty overalls. So refreshing! How about you, you ever get much of a wardrobe change? You seem toasty!
Hey Mario, what does everyone else's (Besides you, Luigi, Wario, and Waluigi) new tennis attire look like?

Speaking of toast; You know what they say!
I'ma not one of them.