User Big Brother 5 - Cancelled

Re: User Big Brother 5 - End of Week 1 - BMB evicted

so yeah you'll have to wait a little longer

i hopefully will have one ready tomorrow

Re: User Big Brother 5 - End of Week 1 - BMB evicted

If you don't Smasher this becomes BMB's game,
Re: User Big Brother 5 - End of Week 1 - BMB evicted

Meowth said:
goddammit i've been trying to make another hoh for three hours and i still haven't finished

i am a bad host

you're only now realizing this? :bowser:
Re: User Big Brother 5 - End of Week 1 - BMB evicted

NSY said:
If you don't Smasher this becomes BMB's game,

I'm not saying anything...mwhahahaha

But I will say that NSY you would have never survived in UBB, UBB3, or UBB4 if you're this impatient.

I just realized something...

I host UBB, Smasher wins the game.

Smashers hosts UBB, I get out the first week.

I definitely got the short in of the stick on that deal...jk.
Re: User Big Brother 5 - End of Week 1 - BMB evicted

Xerneas said:
I just realized something...

I host UBB, Smasher wins the game.

Smashers hosts UBB, I get out the first week.

I definitely got the short in of the stick on that deal...jk.

Think about it this way.

I host UBB1, you win.
You host UBB2, Smasher wins.
Smasher hosts UBB5.... I think you can tell where this is going. :P
Re: User Big Brother 5 - End of Week 1 - BMB evicted

Operation Paperclip said:
Xerneas said:
I just realized something...

I host UBB, Smasher wins the game.

Smashers hosts UBB, I get out the first week.

I definitely got the short in of the stick on that deal...jk.

Think about it this way.

I host UBB1, you win.
You host UBB2, Smasher wins.
Smasher hosts UBB5.... I think you can tell where this is going. :P

Are you saying the winner is going to host UBB6?

Because you aren't winning if that is what you're implying
Re: User Big Brother 5 - End of Week 1 - BMB evicted

I have noticed that all the winners so far are people that have hosted or will host a UBB game in the near future.

Re: User Big Brother 5 - End of Week 1 - BMB evicted




Re: User Big Brother 5 - End of Week 1 - BMB evicted


MCD, as outgoing head of household, you will not be competing. Everyone else, tell me if you didn't get the competition.
Re: User Big Brother 5 - End of Week 1 - BMB evicted

ok i think i worded this one poorly

i'll send a correction pm later, and i might just scrap this challenge (looking back it wasn't a very good one) and come up with something else for the hoh
Re: User Big Brother 5 - End of Week 1 - BMB evicted

Xerneas said:
I have noticed that all the winners so far are people that have hosted or will host a UBB game in the near future.

I'm not hosting one.
Re: User Big Brother 5 - End of Week 1 - BMB evicted

also i'd like everyone else to refrain from doing the competition until i either rework it or send out an new one to replace it
Re: User Big Brother 5 - End of Week 1 - BMB evicted

Gundam Tanaka said:
Xerneas said:
I have noticed that all the winners so far are people that have hosted or will host a UBB game in the near future.

I'm not hosting one.

What about that talk of UBB8? And you wondering when the next available slot is to host?
Re: User Big Brother 5 - End of Week 1 - BMB evicted

Yeah, this challenge was a bad idea, I think I'll scrap this one. I apologize to anyone who's already done it.

I'll work on an alternate challenge.
Re: User Big Brother 5 - End of Week 1 - BMB evicted

i think i tried but had trouble with it

i'm not very good at these things

to be honest i don't even know why i'm hosting this
Re: User Big Brother 5 - End of Week 1 - BMB evicted

Re: User Big Brother 5 - End of Week 1 - BMB evicted

hey smasher i have an idea

remember how you did that one thing back when you did forum survivor

by editing your posts

try dat again
Re: User Big Brother 5 - End of Week 1 - BMB evicted

I did that in a half not serious game. The problem I have with using it in this is that it'd be more of an activity based challenge, and some of the users online right now would have an advantage, possibly winning before others even got on.

EDIT: I have another HoH that might work, and hopefully this one won't turn out much worse than I thought it was in my head.
Re: User Big Brother 5 - End of Week 1 - BMB evicted

ok, maybe this one won't turn out so terrible

even though it probably will
Re: User Big Brother 5 - End of Week 1 - BMB evicted

Next one should be about American history :P