User Big Brother 5 - Cancelled

Re: User Big Brother 5 - End of Week 1 - BMB evicted

"If I do it again". Personally, I feel you should be kicked out right now.
Re: User Big Brother 5 - End of Week 1 - BMB evicted

I'm new Nabber. I admitted to it and I will learn from it.

To be honest I should of guessed, I wanted to try out the powers, it was silly turst me.
Re: User Big Brother 5 - End of Week 1 - BMB evicted

i'm considering nsy's punishment right now
Re: User Big Brother 5 - End of Week 1 - BMB evicted

NSY said:
I'm new Nabber. I admitted to it and I will learn from it.

To be honest I should of guessed, I wanted to try out the powers, it was silly turst me.
you didn't know that cheating was wrong...(also this is totally the pot calling the kettle black)
Re: User Big Brother 5 - End of Week 1 - BMB evicted

Of course I know cheating is wrong, sometimes we are just too tempted to do it.
Re: User Big Brother 5 - End of Week 1 - BMB evicted

and then you face punishment when you get caught and the punishment for cheating should be getting kicked out imo
Re: User Big Brother 5 - End of Week 1 - BMB evicted


I didn't even have a clue about half of those things, so I made some educated guesses

that's what you should do if you don't know the answers
Re: User Big Brother 5 - End of Week 1 - BMB evicted

guess your right
Re: User Big Brother 5 - End of Week 1 - BMB evicted

[quote author=the rules]No cheating.[/quote]

give me a good reason as to why i should give you a second chance, nsy
Re: User Big Brother 5 - End of Week 1 - BMB evicted

I'll PM you Smasher.
Re: User Big Brother 5 - Week 2 - things


That's the best flavour text for this situation. It seriously is the best flavour test for this situation, and I'm not kidding at all.
Re: User Big Brother 5 - Week 2 - things

Chiaki Nanami said:

I didn't even have a clue about half of those things, so I made some educated guesses

that's what you should do if you don't know the answers
This, I'm not American so some of them were wild guesses and cheating just ruins it for everyone else.
Re: User Big Brother 5 - Week 2 - things

Lilith said:
Chiaki Nanami said:

I didn't even have a clue about half of those things, so I made some educated guesses

that's what you should do if you don't know the answers
This, I'm not American so some of them were wild guesses and cheating just ruins it for everyone else.
I am American and cheating makes things fun for you if you don't get caught
Re: User Big Brother 5 - Week 2 - things

it should be called nsy's punishment because this bad boy has cheated and therefore should be punished badly
Re: User Big Brother 5 - Week 2 - things

he ruined the entire game and we want him to pay
Re: User Big Brother 5 - Week 2 - things

I'm going to make a serious post now.

I am actually let down right now (which I should) and I kind of need cheering up.

My life will fade from me if I'm banned again so I'll relax and stay clam.

Re: User Big Brother 5 - Week 2 - things

i have a good suggestion for this one

Re: User Big Brother 5 - Week 2 - things

Not right now Gutseh, I know what your like.

I feel really bad in the inside right now and stuff like that makes me feel worse.

Please understand.
Re: User Big Brother 5 - Week 2 - things

Shortly after BMB's eviction, the Houseguests walked out of the house into the backyard, where they noticed some school desks.

"Hello housguests, it's time for the next Head of Household competition. MCD, as outgoing Head of Household, you are not eligible to compete."

"This Head of Household competition is called "In which year...". You will each be given the same ten questions. Each question will have a year as the answer. If you answer correctly, you'll get a point. The player who gets the most questions correctly will become the new Head of Household."

The houseguests look at their papers and look at the questions.

In which year...
1. ...did Sesame Street debut on television?
2. ...was Elvis Presley born?
3. ...was Wikipedia launched?
4. ...was Nintendo founded?
5. ...was The Who inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame?
6. ...did Florida join the United States of America?
7. ...did Ludwig van Beethoven die?
8. ...was Pluto discovered?
9. ...was Jamestown, Virginia established?
10. ...did Christopher Columbus begin his third voyage to the New World?

The houseguests took their nearby pencils and began writing the answers. NSY took a noticeably longer time than the rest of the houseguests. Within a few minutes, everyone had handed in their answers to be evaluated.

"Before I reveal the results, I will know reveal the correct answers."

In which year...
1. ...did Sesame Street debut on television? 1969
2. ...was Elvis Presley born? 1935
3. ...was Wikipedia launched? 2001
4. ...was Nintendo founded? 1889
5. ...was The Who inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame? 1990
6. ...did Florida join the United States of America? 1845
7. ...did Ludwig van Beethoven die? 1827
8. ...was Pluto discovered? 1930
9. ...was Jamestown, Virginia established? 1607
10. ...did Christopher Columbus begin his third voyage to the New World? 1498

"After looking at the results, Toad85 and NSY, you two tied for first, with each of you getting all ten questions correct. We will go to a tiebreaker. Everyone else, please go to the bench."

The others nodded, and walked towards the bench. However, NSM looked behind him and notice NSY hiding something that looked like a phone behind his back.

"Hey Smasher, I think NSY has a phone. He might have been using it to look up the answers!"

Everyone looked at NSY. He tried to hide it at first, but he gave up and admitted that he had used the phone to look for the correct answers. Smasher and the houseguests were angry. Smasher and the producers discussed NSY's cheating. After a few minutes, they had decided what to do, and Smasher began speaking.

"NSY, you know that you're not supposed to bring that with you, especially to use it to cheat."

"I'm sorry, but for your actions, it has been decided that you will be expelled from User Big Brother 5. Please pack your bags and leave the house immediately."

NSY gulped and slowly nodded. With a sad look on his face, he went into the house and grabbed his bag. He walked back outside long enough to tell everyone goodbye, and then walked back inside and left through the front door. Smasher began speaking again.

"Toad85, since it seems as though you did not cheat, you are the new Head of Household."

Toad85 ran over to MCD and grabbed the key. He walked inside with the rest of the houseguests and walked over to the memory wall. After a few moments, NSY's picture faded to gray. Fourteen of them remained.

NSY has been expelled from User Big Brother 5.
Toad85 has been crowned the new Head of Household.

I'm sorry NSY, but this decision is final.

I gave the HoH to Toad85 because I don't think he cheated too. If I find out later that you did I swear to god...
Re: User Big Brother 5 - Week 2 - things

I don't know what to say right now and I am really upset right now.

I'm not going try to get myself back in but some cheering up from other users is wanted.

Thank you.
Re: User Big Brother 5 - Week 2 - things

NSY said:
I don't know what to say right now and I am really upset right now.

I'm not going try to get myself back in but some cheering up from other users is wanted.

Thank you.
I understand you're upset, but you can't just expect us to make you happy.
Re: User Big Brother 5 - Week 2 - things

NSY said:
I don't know what to say right now and I am really upset right now.

I'm not going try to get myself back in but some cheering up from other users is wanted.

Thank you.
Re: User Big Brother 5 - Week 2 - things

Yeah, you made a mistake so you can't force us to sympathise, that was what got you banned, iirc.
Re: User Big Brother 5 - Week 2 - things

NSY said:
I don't know what to say right now and I am really upset right now.

I'm not going try to get myself back in but some cheering up from other users is wanted.

Thank you.

Stop wanting sympathy or you're not going to learn a damn thing.

It's a forum game, live and learn from it. You cheated, your own stupid mistake, you deal with it. Simple as that.