User Big Brother 5 - Cancelled

Re: User Big Brother 5 - Week 4 - Toad85 HoH

cryoAwakening said:
Im disappointed in NSM. I thought he of all people would have done better, since he was a host of one of the seasons and some of the questions related to his game....

I'm disappointed in you for doing such a biased and unfair challenge.
Re: User Big Brother 5 - Week 4 - Toad85 HoH

cryoAwakening said:
Im disappointed in NSM. I thought he of all people would have done better, since he was a host of one of the seasons and some of the questions related to his game....

your mistake was forgetting I was a past host and some of the questions related to my game.
Re: User Big Brother 5 - Week 4 - Toad85 HoH

cryoAwakening said:
Im disappointed in NSM. I thought he of all people would have done better, since he was a host of one of the seasons and some of the questions related to his game....
Well, the ones like "has most HOH wins" just really don't stay in my brain.

My memory sucks with this kind of stuff.

Toad won't put me up anyway. We're buddies. :D
Re: User Big Brother 5 - Week 4 - Toad85 HoH

yeah i should probably avoid competitions related to past big brother games in the future
Re: User Big Brother 5 - Week 4 - Toad85 HoH

To be fair, UBB rookie MCD finished second.

But yeah, in general avoid past season trivia.
Re: User Big Brother 5 - Week 4 - Toad85 HoH

Nomination time came once again. Toad explained the rules as usual before pulling the first key.

*pull* "Rocker, you are safe."
"Thanks Toad. *pull* NSM, you are safe."
"Thanks Toad. *pull* MCD, you are safe."
"Thanks Toad. *pull* GD, you are safe."
"Thanks Toad. *pull* Packy, you are safe."
"Thanks Toad. *pull* Gutseh, you are safe."
"Thanks Toad. *pull* Shoey, you are safe."
"Thanks Toad."

Smg2daisy and Nitwit watched Shoey take the final key. Both looked disappointed.

"Nitwit and Smg2daisy, I have nominated the two of you for eviction. This nomination ceremony is adjourned.

Epic Nitwit and Smg2daisy have been nominated for eviction
Re: User Big Brother 5 - Week 4 - Toad85 HoH, Smg2daisy and Nitwit nominated

Nitwit, you were the only guy other than Shoey who got a 0 in the challenge. That's pretty pathetic.

SMG, you're a strong competitor, and you played a main part in kicking my buddy Nabber last week.

Nothing personal against either of you, and I hope you both do your best in the veto.
Re: User Big Brother 5 - Week 4 - Toad85 HoH, Smg2daisy and Nitwit nominated

85 said:
Nitwit, you were the only guy other than Shoey who got a 0 in the challenge. That's pretty pathetic.

so if i'm so pathetic why are you picking on me?
Re: User Big Brother 5 - Week 4 - Toad85 HoH, Smg2daisy and Nitwit nominated

well excuse me for not being able to send in my thing because i'm in hospital

also wouldn't it make more sense to leave the inactive and go after actual threats?

note: i don't really mind that i'm nominated, i'm just asking
Re: User Big Brother 5 - Week 4 - Toad85 HoH, Smg2daisy and Nitwit nominated

Pearl said:
also wouldn't it make more sense to leave the inactive and go after actual threats?

no because inactives slow down the game's pace.

also sorry to hear you're in the hospital.
Re: User Big Brother 5 - Week 4 - Toad85 HoH, Smg2daisy and Nitwit nominated

85 said:
no because inactives slow down the game's pace.

hmm yeah i see your point

85 said:
also sorry to hear you're in the hospital.

luckily it's nothing too serious. i'll hopefully be out by tonight.
Re: User Big Brother 5 - Week 4 - Toad85 HoH, Smg2daisy and Nitwit nominated

how the hell did i get six

i know that's low but how did i get six
Re: User Big Brother 5 - Week 4 - Toad85 HoH, Smg2daisy and Nitwit nominated

I had a dream that Nabber won the veto, and I knew it was a dream because Nabber isn't in the game anymore.
Re: User Big Brother 5 - Week 4 - Toad85 HoH, Smg2daisy and Nitwit nominated

"It is now time to pick the six players for the Veto Competition. As Head of Household, I will be competing, as will the nominees, Nitwit and Smg2daisy. The three of us will pick the other three players by random draw. I'll go first."

Toad85 reached his hand into the bag and pulled out a ball.


NSM walked over to the three of them as Nitwit pulled out the next ball.


Rocker walked over to Nitwit as Smg2daisy grabbed the final ball.


Packy joined the five of them as Toad85 began speaking again.

"As HoH, I must now pick the host. I'll choose MCD."

"Good luck to everyone!"

NSM, Rocker, and Packy are in the Veto.

Expect the Veto competition some time before the decade ends.
Re: User Big Brother 5 - Week 4 - Toad85 HoH, Smg2daisy and Nitwit nominated

challenge will be sent sometime after tonight's episode of the actual big brother

i was going to use this for the hoh but it would be ideal for me to continue this before we all die
Re: User Big Brother 5 - Week 4 - Toad85 HoH, Smg2daisy and Nitwit nominated

Tailmon said:
challenge will be sent sometime after tonight's episode of the actual big brother

i was going to use this for the hoh but it would be ideal for me to continue this before we all die

Just a question...

do you watch Big Brother? Like, I've always been on the fence about whether or not you do or if it's just one of those things that you just look up for this game.

I mean, I know that NSM, Toad, and I all watch it, but I wasn't sure if you did.
Re: User Big Brother 5 - Week 4 - Toad85 HoH, Smg2daisy and Nitwit nominated

i started watching it like...season six? possibly much earlier, but i don't remember anything before season six

didn't pay a lot of attention to the last few seasons but i've watched quite a bit of this one
Re: User Big Brother 5 - Week 4 - Veto

nitwit is dropping out of the game

what do
Re: User Big Brother 5 - Week 4 - Veto

yeah please send me a replacement

the veto will still be held

i might look for someone to replace nitwit so that i don't have to drop a week

anyone can tell me if they're interested, i guess
Re: User Big Brother 5 - Week 4 - Veto

Tailmon said:
yeah please send me a replacement

the veto will still be held

i might look for someone to replace nitwit so that i don't have to drop a week

anyone can tell me if they're interested, i guess

How to put this...

Pick me! ME!!!

I mean, I did get evicted by just one vote to someone that just dropped out like a week later...
Re: User Big Brother 5 - Week 4 - Veto

you were still evicted fair and square. you had your chance to compete. i understand that you're not happy about being evicted first, but i would honestly rather put in someone who hasn't had a chance to play yet instead of giving a free pass to someone who was already voted out of the game.
Re: User Big Brother 5 - Week 4 - Veto (REPLACEMENT(S) NEEDED)

Tailmon said:
you were still evicted fair and square. you had your chance to compete. i understand that you're not happy about being evicted first, but i would honestly rather put in someone who hasn't had a chance to play yet instead of giving a free pass to someone who was already voted out of the game.

And you got back in the game in UBB3 & UBB4 while being evicted fair and square.

No, I understand. However, you know that I call dibs first in case you can't get anyone new.

Now time to blackmail newcomers.