Smiley Discussion

You know what just occured to me?

That some big (negative) thing has just happened twice in a row in the first quarter of a year.

Previous year: something around Mindless Junk II.
This year: shit around smileys.
LTQ the MJII incident was a lot bigger than the simile incident .
I miss new smilies... :(
Lakituthequick said:
You know what just occured to me?

That some big (negative) thing has just happened twice in a row in the first quarter of a year.

Previous year: something around Mindless Junk II.
This year: shit around smileys.
for the record the Petition thing was May 28, which is technically second quarter

That's all I have to say.


I got it!
Baby Luigi said:
Peko Pekoyama said:
Akane Owari said:
@BLOF: I hope you and your sister don't mind, but I edited your Shy Guy smiley, and I think I fixed any existing issues some might've had with it's look.


I think that would be better than the other one. (no offense)

None taken. I appreciate the improvements, actually


Took me longer than it should've to submit it to Porps.
Looks even better now. Thanks!
Um, we knew that :P
BowserJunior said:
:samus: :sleep: :sneeze: :swim:

^these are hidden.
I'm going to have to remember those from now on.
It's just some fun, that's all