Your current mood.

Annoyed and kinda tired.
Pissed off. My mum won't let my boyfriend stay round Friday, despite it being on our anniversary, because she doesn't want to get up an hour earlier on Saturday to drop him at work.
I'm very satisfied right now

It's gonna get hot, which is not cool

Bored, a little frustrated.
ticked off

my mom had a conversation with me last night about irc

apparently she thinks it's wrong to talk to "grown men"

and she said I can use it as long as it's downstairs where she can see it

idek why most parents think chatrooms are the devil
Soul Eater said:
apparently she thinks it's wrong to talk to "grown men"
i am so sorry. everyone in this forum is a 25 year old male
every single person


i don't want to have to do gym when i can already not breathe very well