Fire Emblem: Sacred Stones

NSY said:
Virion said:
Dozla said:
Amelia said:
NSY said:
Nitwit, have you lost any units yet.

I've lost loads.

yeah i lost neimi and moulder somewhere around chapter 9

but otherwise i just restart the chapter if i lose someone

Natasha > Moulder
I just think Natasha is better, is all.

Moulder is basically there just to get you started until you get better healers later one. Same with Vanessa probably, or someone like that.
Nono, Moulder makes a fantastic Bishop if you train him up properly. Everyone has their uses, you just need to get them.

Except from Vanessa

she is simply shit
Dozla said:
Nono, Moulder makes a fantastic Bishop if you train him up properly. Everyone has their uses, you just need to get them.

Except from Vanessa

she is simply shit
I suppose, but I don't really like training healers.
'3Kraid said:
Dozla said:
Except from Vanessa

she is simply shit
I dunno. Last playthrough I did, she made a pretty good Wyvern Knight.

Perhaps I should at least try to train her up, but it really is a massive pain, as she always dies whenever I get close to an enemy, and, well, frankly, her stats are terrible.
Did chapter 2 & 3, lost both my thief and my trainer guy that I got in chapter 2 in the third chapter.

Am I doing fine or should I restart.
NSY said:
Did chapter 2 & 3, lost both my thief and my trainer guy that I got in chapter 2 in the third chapter.

Am I doing fine or should I restart.
Colm really isn't that much of a big loss. Ross turns into a total beast if you're willing to put the effort into training him but you can do just fine without him.
I am doing much better than last time.

I lost Ross because I forgot that the enemy's hand axe could still attack him and he died, I was moving him to safety

Lost Colm against the boss when I thought he was safe.
I've only lost one (terrible) class so far 8)
Btw, who should I promote first: Tana or Cormag?
Plus I want to get a support with Tana and Ephraim.
Thats not too bad, though Moulder can be useful as in some levels, if you have enough spaces, you may need two healers, like chapter 6.
Phantom L said:

did you take my advice?

Phantom L said:
I've only lost one (terrible) class so far 8)

out of curiosity, who did you lose?

NSY said:
I am doing much better than last time.

I lost Ross because I forgot that the enemy's hand axe could still attack him and he died, I was moving him to safety

Lost Colm against the boss when I thought he was safe.

colm i never used much, so i wouldn't say it's a huge loss, although it will mean you'll have to choose which chests and stuff to open instead of being able to open them all (i think).

ross is really great when he gets trained up, but i guess you could go on without him
Most my classes I use a lot are level 8+
I should post a full rundown.
Still debating: Tana or Cormag, who should I promote first!
Amelia said:
oh yeah i never used vanessa much at all. i think she's still level 2 for me
you're not missing much

unless you really want another flier

The only awesome thing she does really is help out with the triangle attack to Tana can murder someone.
Right Chapter 4 went fine with no losses, however this was my third try becuase I was trying to save Francis.

Who should I drop for Chapter 5 as I must drop two.
5 is Serafew, right?

Drop Garcia and Moulder. Most of the other people are worth training, and you can use Seth to lure Joshua into talking distance.

Chapter 5: Tries to beat: 4/5 (don't): Lost one unit at the arena and lost another at the end (Franz and Arthur)
Chapter 6: Tries to beat: 3: Quited after losing two units on first two tries, lost none third time
Chapter 7: Tries to beat: 1: Lost Joshua at end due to bad luck

So at Chapter 8, I'm 5 units down and have 9 remaining, got one at level 10 but need a crest first, almost got another at level 10 and have the right crest.

Taking Erika's route this run, should I attmpt for Amelia on chapter 9 or should I play it safe and wait.