Ah yes, doing this is very important. That helps you know how the hands are bent, how the arms are positioned, or really, anything about the pose. Trust me, I've been doing a big succession of drawings on paper myself, and that's really how I succeeded.

I dub this picture, "Mario's Bad Day"

And as requested, fitting music to go along with the mood of the picture. Thanks LeftyGreenMario.

Because I wanted a threatening picture juxtaposed with Mario acting like a total buffoon running away being his best trait in Mario platformers, I performed quite a few exaggerations on Mario, key case being his extended eyes, his wide gaping mouth, and slightly stretched stache. His eyes are also slightly cross-eyed to add to the buffooniness of this picture. Compared to my other fiery pictures (yeah I have a tendency for making those; my namesake is BabyLuigiOnFire so expect that hahahaha), it's the one you're not supposed to take seriously at all. The model used in these images were Super Mario Odyssey models, extracted from their workshop files from the Garry's Mod workshop, with the yellow flat platforms being from Super Mario 3D Land, I'm guessing, which is from the Source Filmmaker workshop.

J & Siph said:
Рождественский Малыш Луиджи said:
I still find hands on hips pose to be an attractive yet still very difficult pose to get down. You need pretty much the right arm/elbow/spine configurations to get it just right, and definitely requires posed fingers too.
I find myself standing in from of mirrors a lot when I draw poses. It turns out a lot of poses I stand and sit in irl look really weird from most angles.
Isabelle said:
Ah yes, doing this is very important. That helps you know how the hands are bent, how the arms are positioned, or really, anything about the pose. Trust me, I've been doing a big succession of drawings on paper myself, and that's really how I succeeded.

You are both completely correct. Even if you don't have a mirror, take a look at reference pictures. Google image search poses you're looking for, and try to copy that. But of course, if you wanna get better, practice and just doing it is the only way to get better, as well as helpful feedback to help improve your drawings. All of these principles apply to 3D art as well, but 3D art has its advantages in angling characters and not worrying about drawing foreshortening (which is always a pain in the ass). Though both of you (and me frankly) still have ways to go before we get to expert levels: my drawings when I was 15 years old in your case, Koops, are quite crude compared to my drawings today.

Re: Moldomre, don't think I'll get your request finished by tomorrow unfortunately, due to my social life. If I do have spare time leftover, I'll work on it tomorrow, but if not, on Sunday.
No prob. BLoF.

J & Siph said:
Рождественский Малыш Луиджи said:
I still find hands on hips pose to be an attractive yet still very difficult pose to get down. You need pretty much the right arm/elbow/spine configurations to get it just right, and definitely requires posed fingers too.
I find myself standing in from of mirrors a lot when I draw poses. It turns out a lot of poses I stand and sit in irl look really weird from most angles.

Hands are actually really hard to get right when drawing on paper/computer.
EDIT: I just noticed Koops said this exact thing but better. :rolleyes:
Mario looks like he's scattering confetti as he's running away.

This is for Moldy, who requested for a fluttering Pink Yoshi. His wish is my command. This scene uses a total of four lights, emphasizing a bit on the blue parts for sky and all, and just because it looks really nice on pinky! For the pose overall, I used Yoshi's Birdie animation from Mario Golf: World Tour as inspiration, except with a bit more exaggeration to showcase more personality.

If you notice his legs, it's blurry. In Source Filmmaker, blurry models indicate animation and motion which is how Source Filmmaker renders that. That's right, I had to create a simple animation for Pinky's legs, which simply involved moving and rotating his feet (he's IK rig compatible, so it wasn't a problem animating and bending his legs at all) and thus, the blur effect was created. Also like usual went crazy on the particle effects for a background. Haven't figured quite how to properly green screen things yet in SFM for more custom, better backgrounds, as I originally intended an image of a sky for the background, complete with clouds.
Wow! I am awed! *saves image to computer for future use*

EDIT: One question though, who's the unicorn? Inside joke amongst the twins?
EDIT 2: Another suggestion, Luigi with Poltergust. This might be tricky, since I dunno if you have access to GC models. If it's too hard then it's fine!
You don't have to, but if you would do it, then it'd certainly be Epic. Could you do Lucario in this pose?


If you can, make the background similar to that, please.

Again, you don't have to, just throwing it out there.

Luigi in a black void with nothing accompanying except a few entities wanting to prank him. Scene uses a total of four lights, try to be minimalist for Luigi's favorite theme of all time: haunted themes. Luigi's model is from Mario Tennis Ultra Smash while the Boo models are from Mario Party 9. Oh, Moldy, I didn't need to use the GC model for this, instead the Poltergust model is from Wii game Mario Sports Mix, lovingly extracted from this pack courtesy of RatchetMario so it ain't tricky at all. In addition to that, there is a Luigi's Mansion model pack on Garry's Mod too, extractable as well and comes with its Poltergust. Posing the rope-like tube from the Poltergust is a bit of a challenge though, because of the way ropes behave in real life is something I haven't gotten down yet, and as well as as working without an IK rig for Luigi as he's not compatible with it due to his bone names.

In addition to this, I have to work on a color theory project so I have a lot of stuff to do. Hopefully I'll get to complete Koops request on Friday, as I'm unavailable on Thursday and will be at school all day tomorrow.

Of course, for my color theory project I'll be working on my seven Baby Luigi characters because conveniently, they're all represented by a color. I'm posting progress on one of them, who is pretty much done drawing and awaiting post-process editing to fit more in spirit of Color Theory.


(his shoulder flag is unfinished, haven't drawn an American flag there yet. No, he's not a Soviet, nor is he Chinese)

Moldomré said:
EDIT: One question though, who's the unicorn? Inside joke amongst the twins?

I've used TF2 particle effects, from the Pyro respectively. The unicorn was just part of the rainbow of that particle effect. I wish it was just an inside joke, maybe I should make it one.
Hey there! After a very hectic week of finals including me finishing up my Color Theory project, I finally got around to making Koops's request now that winter break has begun for me: rendering Lucario as it is in the image he has posted. Well, not quite exactly, as much as the particle effects in SFM will allow me. But I did find sweet particle effects that emulate his Aura Sphere quite well, so hope you enjoy it! The model comes from Super Smash Bros. for Wii U and enjoys face-posing options (but no compatibility with IK rigs), and the reason the little hair things on the back is not posed because it surprisingly does not come with bones (otherwise it would have been posed to indicate better motion). There are four lights in this scene in total, with most intensity fixed from the Aura Sphere to give that fantastic glow effect. His pose is a bit extreme but I hope I matched it as close as Koops wants me to. There are no pupil options, so unfortunately, cannot render his pupils smaller as it is in the pic. Koops, enjoy this image, and I'm very sorry about the delay!

BLoF, this is amazing and it's way more than worth all the wait. Thank you so much, you just made my entire day!

Edit: I put it as my laptop background and it looks really great. I love you.

As a token of my appreciation, I will let you live the 20th of December.

Would you look at that, my list of punching bags is changing!

Koops' punching bags said:
-Ridley (as Isabelle)
-Mr. Game & Watch

So... BLoF, take a well-deserved break, 'K? Don't need to rush such a request from SGoW, right?

After all, you did make my new desktop wallpaper.
Shy Guy on Wheels said:
Could you possibly make an image of Isabelle being beaten up?

Heeeeeeeey I didn't forget about this.


Isabelle said:

Would you look at that, my list of punching bags is changing!

So, I finally pulled through and made the "Isabelle getting beaten up" request that was hanging around here not too long ago. Here we are. Your wish is my command.


Imgur jpgeized my rather huge poster image (1920x1080 to be exact) I made from Source Filmmaker but no worries. You shouldn't see too much of a quality difference from the original png version. This image was posed in some sort of Slenderman lab map thing rather than a blank black map file just to add a bit of variety to the environment. I added at least five lights to the scene, one overhead whiter light with two environmental green lights, with two more lights glowing from my character's blades. I added dust particle effects to give that character hitting the floor impact flair for some illusion of prior motion in the picture.

I've used Smash Ultimate Isabelle and no one else other than my Russian character beating her up. To be fair, this is immensely out of character for my Russian guy. He's a good guy first and foremost, and he wouldn't thrash a friendly dog into the ground. Maybe you could pretend it's from a fighter game where there are no character, or my Russian guy is mind-controlled and being under the influence of evil, or that Isabelle herself is a demon in disguise and only looks like her so it's justified beating up innocent characters. Nevertheless, this is shortly after he had pummeled and tossed Isabelle in the ground, and is waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike with his blades, walking like a badass guy (more like a villain with that smirk and pose of his). Will Isabelle escape? Will Koops immediately counter-request with Isabelle beating up my character? I mean if he does I have to follow that request...so I hope he doesn't read this.

I'm in the process of making another SFM-related content, being a full-length 1:00 long animation. Watch this space because I'll post it here and the Mario fanart thread once it's complete.

In the meantime, enjoy a bonus image I made from Garry's Mod.

I have a request.
I want to have an image of Baby Luigi shaking hands with Captain Falcon.
I'm almost afraid to like the post with...y'know. But I like the pic with Baby Luigi interrogating (the obviously guilty) Waluigi.
Moldo said:
But I like the pic with Baby Luigi interrogating (the obviously guilty) Waluigi.

On the meantime before I render my Captain Falcon shaking hands with Baby Luigi image and post that animation I had been working on, I've made a sequence of separate, still images in Garry's Mod that tell a story. It was actually pretty time consuming to make because I wanted to make every scene look good and, uh, cinematic?









I haven't done a conclusion image. They either get killed by the gigantic Kraken or have a diet composed of nothing but Kraken meat for several weeks straight before eventually getting rescued by Toadsworth on the MSS Seastar. Your choice.
I don't want any Baby Luigis to be harmed in the making of this story. Kraken meat for dinner, m'kay?

Also, who are all these different Baby Luigis? Besides Russian of course. And the astronaut(?) one you have as your current avatar.
I've got a request for after you finish with the other one. Could you do my OC? You'd just need to recolor Luigi like so and add a black bow tie. Bonus points if you a Luigi model like in Mario Party 1 artwork, though come to think of it, that model might not even exist outside of 2D images. Super Duper Extra Bonus points if you include geese flying in the background, though I have no idea if you'll be able to find an appropriate model for that (I looked up "goose" with your link but it didn't seem to bring up any relevant results). All the extra stuff is not necessary though, I'll be satisfied even if it's modern Luigi with my colors and bow tie.
Baby Luigi said:
before eventually getting rescued by Toadsworth on the MSS Seastar
At least the characters are not standing on islands smaller than them, stranded and helpless too while Mario sails on a boat.
Marie said:
I've got a request for after you finish with the other one. Could you do my OC? You'd just need to recolor Luigi like so and add a black bow tie. Bonus points if you a Luigi model like in Mario Party 1 artwork, though come to think of it, that model might not even exist outside of 2D images. Super Duper Extra Bonus points if you include geese flying in the background, though I have no idea if you'll be able to find an appropriate model for that (I looked up "goose" with your link but it didn't seem to bring up any relevant results). All the extra stuff is not necessary though, I'll be satisfied even if it's modern Luigi with my colors and bow tie.

Definitely, yes. I'll come up with ideas to pose him. And I'm pretty sure there's a goose on the Garry's Mod workshop at the very least, because in that case, that I can decompile that and just add it to SFM.

Anyway, after toiling through the animation process of several weeks, LGM and I finally released the Source Filmmaker video!!!! It took a while but it was definitely worth it, LeftyGreenMario and I had a blast making it and refining all of it while the animation in of itself was a huge upgrade over our previous video, Creepy Wario. It's a minute longer, takes advantage of IK rigs, takes advantage of particle systems, uses a better video rendering method, uses some post-process effects, has much more characters in the video (9 extra characters, plus Metal Mario, my three characters, Green Mario, Wiggler, and Waluigi), uses better animation techniques, more sound effects and voices, and so on. Please give it a watch, and LeftyGreenMario and I would strongly appreciate likes, comments, and even subscriptions if you want!

And this is our last animation video just for comparison.

Moldo said:
Also, who are all these different Baby Luigis? Besides Russian of course. And the astronaut(?) one you have as your current avatar.

I love questions about them! The Baby Luigis are characters I made of course! They're part of a group of warriors who protect things and they all have the distinct wings, shields, swords, and cape apparels that tell you that they're all together in this. I've rotated between several of them as my avatars, including the red one, the yellow one, and the white one that's my current avatar. All of them have their own nationalities (signified by their flag designs on their shoulders) and all of them were designed after military uniforms throughout history. For example, the red one was designed after the outfits and pith helmets worn in the Spanish American war while the blue one was designed after Napoleon in the 1700's times, while the yellow one was designed after the Red Army. Same deal with the white one, except designed after Germans in the same time period as the Red Army. The purple one is just a contemporary today's military helmet wearing a fancy suit. In addition, they technically do have official names I gave them and they're typically named after their colors and properties of light (like the red one being called "Redshift" because he's red and redshift wavelength being a property of light) and the purple one is the obvious "Ultra Violet" because of his purple colors and UV rays being a thing. But I also like the simple "Red Baby Luigi" because that's really what he is.

I've uploaded a deviant art picture of them that explains in more detail about them if you're interested.

I'm a good man, I will not request Isabelle beating up your character.

I might request something else, but I feel like I have no right to since I have a buttload of requests I haven't done myself, so I'll request something when that pile of work is done.