What's the weather like outside right now?


Thanks El Nino
Yeah, we appreciate some drought relief.
coldest day this winter

...which really isn't that cold considering the rest of winter so far
Well at least we're raining, and the temperature is 13 degrees Celsius or 55 degrees Fahrenheit.

Our temperatures are actually colder than average. It gets close to freezing in the night, but never gets to it, much less surpasses it.
Really cloudy. 2 degrees Celsius, 35 degrees Fahrenheit. Not too bad but still pretty chilly.

Sunday's supposed to drop down to 16/-9 degrees on average, so that'll be fun.
Andymii said:
First snowfall of the northeast!

actually that's just for your area

we here in NE had ours on 12/28

btw it sounds like it's raining
So there's boarders at my school, and the interesting thing is how the folks from California/Southeast Asia see like an 1/8 inch of snow and are totally mindblown.

It's funny, considering snow is a pretty everyday object for this time of year.
Andymii said:
So there's boarders at my school, and the interesting thing is how the folks from California/Southeast Asia see like an 1/8 inch of snow and are totally mindblown.

It's funny, considering snow is a pretty everyday object for this time of year.
Yeah, snow is a pretty foreign object if you live in areas where it never snows.

I also think the interesting thing is that some people think 70 degrees during the winter is warm-hot and I think that's pretty cool or temperate at least.
It's quite a bit warmer than it was the past few days. Because of this, a lot of the snow has been melting away.
Gosh darn, why isn't it raining? It's El Nino season!
"9 to 14 inches of snow coming to New Jersey" YAAAY (of course it had to be during the day of school they cancelled anyway)

Roy and Viper26 might want to keep an eye out as well.