Dry Bowser
The Avengers (2012 movie)
The Hunger Games
Any Spielberg movie (except Tintin)
Raging Bull
The Iron Man movies
Captain America (2011 movie)
The Amazing Spider-Man
The Princess Bride
Mary Poppins
The Narnia films
Django Unchained
Every Star Trek movie
Gone With the Wind
The original Spider-Man trilogy (except 3 of course, I knew it was gonna suck to begin with)
The Hunger Games
Any Spielberg movie (except Tintin)
Raging Bull
The Iron Man movies
Captain America (2011 movie)
The Amazing Spider-Man
The Princess Bride
Mary Poppins
The Narnia films
Django Unchained
Every Star Trek movie
Gone With the Wind
The original Spider-Man trilogy (except 3 of course, I knew it was gonna suck to begin with)