The Official Facial Hair thread

I think she meant, when you have a beard all over your face.
Honestly, I would like to know that as well, as I'll never be able to have a beard (unless something whatever BLOF said happens).
MKGirlism said:
You seem to know all about it, BLOF.

I know stuff I shouldn't
Technically, everyone has facial hair, but we girls have like only one or two strands of very short hair on our chins, that isn't really noticeable anyway.
cryoAwakening said:
I'm both waiting and not waiting for a female to be like "yeah, I have facial hair."

I would probably be both amazed, and a little afraid...

oh god i can't draw hands
Well, I know a female with a moustache, but she has this because of her medicines (she had replaced a kidney recently).
The lady who works in our library was a moustache, it's really scary
facial hair is gross.

Wish mine never grew back ever again, annoying crap.
I had a teacher called Mr. Mckinnon. But over a period of a few weeks we noticed that he was growing a beard. So we called him Mr. MO-kinnon. I don't think he minded.
Yoshi876, that lady really was a moustache?
Enough Internet for today...
MKGirlism said:
Yoshi876, that lady really was a moustache?
Enough Internet for today...
Yep she was a massive sentient moustache
i only shave every weekend because i'm a loser


i'll look like this soon except without the tattoos or fish

but why stop there

MCS said:
I'm almost 15 but I'm already growing a bit of a 'stache and some sideburns.

thats called peach fuzz