DC Cinematic Universe

So, who do you guys want to see as our villain in Justice League? Starro seems like the obvious answer, but I think Vandal Savage could be a great villain. Brainiac would also be very cool.
I'd say that Doomsday would be great to see in the movie, with him killing superman and all. It would also be very cool to see the injustice League.
Dr Light said:
So, who do you guys want to see as our villain in Justice League? Starro seems like the obvious answer, but I think Vandal Savage could be a great villain. Brainiac would also be very cool.
I'd say that Doomsday would be great to see in the movie, with him killing superman and all. It would also be very cool to see the injustice League.
I feel like Doomsday should be saved for a solo Superman film. You can't do Death of Superman this early.

Guys, let's talk about our new Batman design that was just announced. I really like it. The ears are a little short, but I can still live with it. Dude looks jacked as fuck.
Guys, let's talk about our new Batman design that was just announced. I really like it. The ears are a little short, but I can still live with it. Dude looks jacked as *bleep*.
It seems like they always go from one extreme to the other with the ears. In the DCAU the ears were always too big. Now they're tiny.
Well, at least we don't have batnips
Other than that, though, the costume's great. I just hope that Batffleck doesn't mess anything up.....
Affleck is a good actor and is great behind the scenes. He brought in a guy to rewrite Goyer's script for the movie, which was probably for the best. I feel confident that Batman will be good.

My real fear for the movie is how well Wonder Woman and Lex Luthor are going to be portrayed. Even if a character is written well, that's only half of it. The other half is the acting.
I'm sort of on the fence about Affleck being batman. It could go either way.

My main fear for the film is that they'll end up trying to fit more and more characters into it. Wonder woman, Lex Luthor, Cyborg...

I guess we'll just have to wait and see..
Godzilla said:
Guys, let's talk about our new Batman design that was just announced. I really like it. The ears are a little short, but I can still live with it. Dude looks jacked as fuck.

I'm more concerned with what he'll sound like.
I was expecting LEGO Batman 2: DC Super Heroes: The Live Action Game Movie Film Experience 3D

i wonder if the movie will hold a candle to all these damn super hero games ive been playing though
No, Goyer, please stay the hell away from Wonder Woman.
Like I said, he's been kicked off BvS:DoJ. From what I heard, Ben Affleck personally brought in the writer from Argo to redo the script. We still don't know about Justice League. We do know that it's being filmed back to back with Dawn of Justice, so it could be Goyer writing, it could be the other guy.
Godzilla said:
Like I said, he's been kicked off BvS:DoJ. From what I heard, Ben Affleck personally brought in the writer from Argo to redo the script. We still don't know about Justice League. We do know that it's being filmed back to back with Dawn of Justice, so it could be Goyer writing, it could be the other guy.
Really?! Oh my God oh my God I love Argo! What's the Oscar winning writer gonna do? Have some citizens get kidnapped by Iranians and the Justice League save them?!
Godzilla said:

Does anyone need more proof that David Goyer is a *bleep*ing asshat. Thank god he got kicked off of Dawn of Justice. Seriously, insulting comic readers, calling She-Hulk a virgin fantasy, and then *bleep*ting on Martian Manhunter for being too unrealistic. You wrote a *bleep*ing Superman movie. You have no right to talk about realism.
I clicked it cause I saw She Hulk and Sex. But yea, still I never like David Goyer.
Godzilla said:
It looks more like Batman than the Christian Bale version at least.
no, comic batman's always had large, tall ears

and so does christian bale's batman

this one looks more like... catman than batman