User Total Drama World Tour ~ Rocker wins!

Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ Sweden than sugar

ok, the locations have to be adjacent, and if a5 is a hit and a6 isn't, that leaves a4, b4, and b5.

let's try a4 and b5.
Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ Sweden than sugar


Now I have a great shot at hitting the last piece.
Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ Sweden than sugar

Lucky bastard. Well shit that seals our fate.

Whatever ill just pick two and see if i can get lucky before we sink

b3 and f5
Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ Sweden than sugar

D4 E2
Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ Sweden than sugar

Maybe i'll get Something next time. Oh well. Still a heated challenge
Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ Sweden than sugar

D4 and E2 are both misses.

Amethyst, your next two attacks please.

EDIT - Amethyst, don't go. I got a better idea!
Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ Sweden than sugar

The three teams are out in the waters with their cannons and spicy meatballs. They all gain their own distance as they prepare to launch battle.

BMB (on a jetpack): Well, Teams, you may start firing now!

Team Action and Team Fusion begin to fire as Toad starts to load up the cannon.

Toad: Okay, so who's going to fir-what are you doing!

Toad watches Cirdec and Smg2daisy kissing.

Smg2daisy: Sorry...

Toad: Okay, no...serious guys were the main reasons why LN1 left, weren't you?

They nod.

Toad: And if we lose...?

Cirdec: Well...I mean...

Toad starts to freak out as he starts going into overtime.


Team Action really start to work on their cannons, except for Nabber.

Rocker: You know we could use your help!

Nabber: But it's a two man job. I'll be on the look-out!

Lily (carrying a spicy meatball): But these are...ugh...heavy! Come on, you could at least pass me the meatballs!

Suddenly, the water splashes them as one of Team Amethyst's meatball nearly hits them. Before they can react, one of them hits the boat, sending off the sail.

Toad: Yes, we are not going to lose now that I have you in my sight!

Team Fusion are on the other side of the water, watching. NEX and NSY are aiming the cannon when Gutseh stops them.

NSY: Why?

Gutseh: Listen, Toad is on a killing streak right now. We don't want him to take out us before he takes out Team Action. I rather we lose later than having to send one of us out.

NEX: Good point.

Toad is crazy-eyed as he gets the cannon loaded. Smg2daisy and Cirdec are grabbing each other in fear as Toad just let's lose a bunch of cannon fires.

Cirdec: You're starting to scare me...

Smg2daisy: Ah....

Toad: We. Must. WIn. I. Am. Not. Going. YET!

Team Action are really making for cover as the meatballs narrowly miss them.

Lily: We wouldn't have had this problem if you helped!

Rocker: Look out!

Nabber throws Lily in his way as he dives out of the way just as a meatball comes hurdling at their ship. It blasts Lily in the gut, sending her overboard. Rocker just glares at Nabber as he tries to play innocent.

Rocker: Not cool, not coo-

Before he could finish, a series of meatballs comes right onto the boat, completely sinking it.

BMB: With that, Team Action is down for the count!

BMB dodges cannonballs from both Fusion and Amethyst.


Both of them immediately stop as they come closer and closer.

BMB: Okay...well, since we already have a loser, I deem both of you the winners for this challenge.

Both of the teams cheer in joy over the news. Toad returns back to normal, hugging his teammates as they just stare at him awkwardly. Team Action are all in the water, with Lily hanging onto Rocker's shoulder as they both stare at Nabber.

BMB: Now let's make way to the plane so we can get out of here!

Who will Team Action send home, and will Team Amethyst's trio make it to the merge? Stay tune after the break!

3 M/F F F
4 M
5 A A A/M

A = Action
M = Amethyst
F = Fusion
Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ Sweden than sugar

Team Amethyst and Team Fusion all sit in First class, relaxing.

Toad: Ah, I feel so at peace right now...

Cirdec and Smg2daisy just continue to stare at him like he is crazy.

Cirdec (confessional): Peace my butt! Of course, nothing beats psycho Smg2daisy!

Smg2daisy (confessional, shivering): Toad completely scares me now.

Gutseh: Yeah, I'm just happy that we got to both win, instead of one of us being like Team Action.

NSY: Poor Lily...

NEX: I bet she's getting eliminated.

Team Action are all sitting in the elimination room, waiting to vote. Rocker is glaring at Nabber, who is sitting front. Lily is still clutching her pained stomach. Nabber is just looking rather moot.

Rocker (whispering to Lily): Hey, I'll help you get back at Nabber if you vote him with me.

Lily: Bye bye Nabber!

Nabber: Great...

BMB: Well, I have-

Nabber: Here, I'll get off myself.

Nabber begins to walk to the door when BMB quickly closes the door. Everyone is shocked.

BMB: Let me finish! This isn't a elimination challenge!

Rocker/Lily: NO!

Nabber: YES!

BMB: Yep, it's a reward challenge! The two teams right now are getting professional Swedish massages!

Lily: WHAT!

Lily gets up, grabs a chair, and flings it right at Nabber, who dodges in time. It breaks against the wall.


Lily then grabs a giant metal pole as she chases Nabber around the room.

Well, I can't wait to see how they turn out. What other surprises will the players have in store at our next location, and will there be an elimination this next time? Speaking of which, when the merge ever happen? Find out next week on User Total Drama World Tour!
Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ Color me Niagara

Just merge already
Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ Color me Niagara

All the teams sit around in the elimination room after being called into there.

Smg2daisy: That Swedish massage was just...perfect!

NSY: Oh my gosh, my elbows never felt any smoother.

Gutseh: I'm pretty sure that if my face could look angelic, it would be now.

Lily glares at Nabber, and then smacks him with that metal pole.

Nabber: Will you quit it!?

Lily: ...

Suddenly, before they react, the plane tilts to the side, and everyone goes rolling out of the plane, along with two giant swan birds. Everyone hops into one as they land in water.

BMB (on a jetpack): I would use those pedal boats if I were you.

Everyone looks behind to see a giant waterfall. They all scream as Gutseh and Lily pedal in one and Cirdec and Smg2daisy in another.

Cirdec: I don't...think...I can go faster....

Smg2daisy kisses him on the cheek, and suddenly he gets the energy to pedal to shore. Gutseh just stares at Lily.

Lily: You got to be kidding me.

Gutseh: Does my massaged face say other wise?

Lily: ...

Quickly Lily pecks him on the cheek, and Gutseh cheers as they make it to shore as well.

BMB: Okay guys, follow me!

They are lead to this massive casino where someone is waiting for them in surprise.

Gutseh: Smasher?

Toad: No...

Smasher: Yep.

BMB: Welcome back Smasher to the gang!

NSY: Yes, back on Fusion?

BMB: Nope?

Cirdec: Then which team?

BMB: None.

Lily: Then how...

BMB: He will be joining you guys as you say goodbye to your teams, because we are finally at...the MERGE!


BMB: Okay, so let's all spin the wheel...

BMB grabs everyone to this massive wheel with 5 player's faces on it.

BMB: Each of you will spend for you bride-to-be. Gentlemen, I hope you enjoy your pickings...

Lily: Wait, why am I on the gentlemen side?

Gutseh: And why are we all crammed in here when Smg2daisy is the only lady here?

BMB: Just because, now Lily, you're first!

Lily spins the wheel, and gets Smg2daisy.

Smg2daisy: Really, the two girls are together? Are you trying to emphasis gay marriage?

BMB: Not really, but whatever. Next!

Gutseh pulls and gets Cirdec. Toad gets Smasher. Rocker gets NSY. Nabber gets NEX.

BMB: Okay, now that we got your pair, dress up and follow me.

Everyone walks out to find Smasher, Cirdec, NSY, NEX, and Smg2daisy in dresses. Lily and the other guys are in tuxes.

Smasher: This is definitely what I didn't have in mind.

Cirdec: Smg2daisy, don't get any ideas.

Lily: Ugh...this tux is so tight in the chest...

BMB: Okay, see that tightrope?

Everyone stares at the tight rope that is leading to the USA side of Niagara falls. Down below is the rocky bottom of the waterfall.

NSY: You suck.

BMB: Okay, time to finally explain the challenge!

Welcome to challenge number 18! In this challenge, you will be going across the tightrope with your partner, where you will be telling Chef the answers to his questions about Canada! You will each get your own set of 10 questions, and each one you get correct will add a point to your team. The best score is 20. The person will the best score will win the challenge, while the person with the worse score will...definitely not want to be where they are at. This will be a double elimination, so two people will be leaving this time!

Yes, so you will be getting your questions later, and remember, no cheating! It will be multiple choice so that it's not so bad.

The pairs are once again:

Gutseh & Cirdec
Toad & Smasher
Rocker & NSY
Lily & Smg2daisy
NEX & Nabber

So hopefully you two will work to win! And remember, no cheating! HOWEVER, you can ask your partner for help on questions, and vise versa.

Good luck.

BMB: And go!

Which pair will make it first for immunity, and which team will fail to make it across at all? And which two will be going for the first merged elimination? Find out after the break!
Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ Color me Niagara

Did you miss me? Because I didn't really miss any of you.
Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ Color me Niagara

I'll send out the challenge probably around this evening.

I have a paper I need to get done, and I still have two classes left for today.

And yeah, I know, everyone is like YES MERGE!
Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ Color me Niagara

Actually, i really didn't care if we got merged.
Also hi Smasher
Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ Color me Niagara

OH, btw the way...

The people that have the quiz that starts with the first question being about the capital...

There are one or two questions on there that have more than one answer! If you guess both correct, you get an extra point, making the total for you up to 12!

If you just give one, that's fine. However, if you give one right and one wrong, then you get no points for the question, so be wise!
Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ Color me Niagara

NEX is the first to cross, carrying Nabber in his arm. Toad and Smasher are right behind, then Lily and Smg2daisy, then Rocker and NSY, and in the back Gutseh and Cirdec. They arrive to the other side, answering Chef's questions.

Chef: Okay, the grooms, here are your set of questions!

Chef SonicMario asks them in a quick succession as they answer the questions. After they are finished, Chef SonicMario collects them and looks at them.

Chef: seems that Toad takes the lead with 10 points, Rocker with 9, Gutseh with 8, Lily with 5, and then NEX with only 3. Next set, but you have to go back and come back, with the brides carrying the grooms!

Everyone: Aww...

The guys have trouble as they wobble on the tightropes, tripping on their things a few times. Smasher nearly drops Toad down as they both flip around the cord for a second. Smg2daisy and Lily are having the least of troubles, easily maneuvering across it and then heading back.

Smg2daisy: Oh...

Lily: Crap...summon psycho Smg2daisy.

Smg2daisy: I don't think I-

Lily slaps Smg2daisy.

Lily: Pretend that Cirdec is about to be killed.

Smg2daisy: No, he, but...ARGH!

Smg2daisy grows in rage as she rips off the part of the dress covering her legs and begins to flip over all the guys as she makes it to the other side. Everyone stares in amazement as she calms down.

Chef: Great work! But you now have to wait until the others come.

Lily and Smg2daisy: Aw...

Lily (confessional): Smg2daisy is definitely one type of women. And no, it was the adrenaline that made me blush...

The others finally arrive back.

Chef: Good, now the last set of questions!

He asks them, and everyone responds. He looks at all of them and then throws three of them behind, leaving Smg2daisy and Nabber's cards.

Chef: Well, one of you got the worse score of only 7...which means that Toad's team is automatically the winner for getting the highest score.

NSY: What about the half you threw out?

Chef: Trust me, it ain't going to matter.

NSY: ...

Chef: Anyways, the person that got the lowest score is Nabber and NEX.

Lily and Smg2daisy hug each other in joy as Nabber and NEX bite their lips.

NEX: What's our punishment?

Chef: Let's head back to the plane, and you'll find out!

What is the consequence of losing the challenge for Nabber and NEX? And what is the prize for Toad and Smasher? All this after the break.

Question 1 -
What is the capital of Canada?
a - Washington D.C.
b - Montreal
c – Ottawa – Toad, NEX, Lily, Gutseh, Rocker
d - Vancouver

Question 2 -
What is the officially Language of Canada?
a - French
b – English – NEX, Gutseh
c - Canadian French – Toad, Lily, Rocker
d - Canadian English – Toad, Lily

Question 3 -
What is the type of Government of Canada?
a - Federal Parliamentary – Lily, Rocker
b - Constitutional Monarchy – Toad, NEX, Gutseh, Rocker
c - Parliament
d - None of the above - Lily

Question 4 -
What is bigger than Canada?
a – China
b – Russia – Toad, NEX, Lily, Rocker, Gutseh
c - Nothing
d - United States

Question 5 -
What is the population of Canada?
a - 33,476,688 – Toad, Gutseh
b - 34,376,688 – Lily, Rocker
c - 33,476,886 - NEX
d - 34,476,886

Question 6 -
Canada is made up of what?
a - 13 Provinces – NEX, Lily
b - 11 Provinces and 2 territories
c - 10 Provinces and 3 territories – Toad, Rocker, Gutseh
d - 12 Provinces and 1 territory

Question 7 -
Canada gained independence from which country?
a - United States – Lily
b - United Kingdom – NEX, Rocker
c – Europe
d - Trick Question; none. – Toad, Gutseh

Question 8 -
Canada's GDP is the nth highest in the world. What is n?
a – 8 – Lily
b – 10 – Rocker
c – 9 – Gutseh
d – 11 – Toad, NEX

Question 9 -
Canada's HDI is the nth highest in the world. What is n?
a – 8 – Lily
b - 10
c – 9 – NEX
d – 11 – Toad, Rocker, Gutseh

Question 10 -
How many lakes does Canada share with the United States?
a – 4
b - 5 – NEX
c – 45 – Lily, Rocker
d - ~57 – Toad, Gutseh

Question 1 -
What continent is Canada on?
a - South America
b - Asia
c - North America – Nabber, Smg2daisy
d - North of North America

Question 2 -
What is the most common Ethnic group in Canada?
a - Aboriginal
b - Asian
c - Women
d – White – Nabber, Smg2daisy

Question 3 -
Canada's Legislature includes what?
a - Parliament, House of Commons, Senate - Nabber
b - Parliament, House of Representatives, Senate
c - Monarch, House of Commons, Senate
d - Monarch, House of Representatives, Senate – Smg2daisy

Question 4 -
What is Monarch's Name?
a - Queen Elizabeth II
b - Queen Lily I
c - King George III
d - Trick Question: There is no monarch. – Nabber, Smg2daisy

Question 5 -
What is the land mass of Canada?
a - 9,984,670 km2
b - 9,894,670 km2 – Smg2daisy
c - 9,984,760 km2 - Nabber
d - 9,894,760 km2

Question 6 -
Canada came from the word Kanata, which means?
a - "Cold" or "Barren" – Smg2daisy
b - "Lively" or "Beautiful" - Nabber
c - "Village" or "Settlement"
d - "New" or "Original"

Question 7 -
Canada's Motto, "A Mari Usque Ad Mare", is Latin for what?
a - From Sea to Shining Sea – Nabber, Smg2daisy
b - From Sea to sea
c - From Maple to Maple
d - From Ocean to Ocean

Question 8 -
Canada's Gini is the nth highest in the world. What is n?
a – 102 – Smg2daisy
b – 103 – Nabber
c - 104
d - 105

Question 9 -
How are dates written in Canada?
a - dd-mm-yyyy – Nabber, Smg2daisy
b -mm-dd-yyyy
c - yyyy-mm-dd
d - All of the above

Question 10 -
Which of these Provinces is not real [at least in Canada]?
a – Alberta – Nabber
b - Ontario
c – Yukon – Smg2daisy
d – Quebec

NEX/Nabber: 7/22
Lily/Smg2daisy: 8/22
Gutseh/Cirdec: 8/22
Rocker/NSY: 9/22
Toad/Smasher: 10/22
Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ Color me Niagara

All the players meet in the Elimination Room, where BMB is waiting.

BMB: So, how was the challenge?

Smasher: Can we change out of these yet?

BMB: Not yet...but soon.

NSY: Thank you.

BMB: Ready for the first vote.

All of them seem unsure, while some seem already prepared who to vote.

BMB: Well, Nabber and NEX, what do you think your consequence is?

NEX: I dunno...

Nabber: No ability to vote?

BMB: Come here.

They both get up, and walk by BMB. Out of nowhere, he grabs them, and chucks them out of the plane, sending both of them flying to the ground.

BMB: Insta-elimination! Oh, and here's your swan boat!

BMB chucks a swan boat for them to hop into as they descend. The rest of the players just simply sit there in shock.

BMB: I know, it's crazy how wicked I am, right?

Toad: So what's our prize?

BMB: First class, as well as a romantic movie for you and Smasher to watch together as you cuddle.

Smasher: You're sick.

BMB: Whatever. Now you can go change, and get ready for our next location!

With Nabber and NEX both out, who will be the next to go, and what sort of evil tricks do I have planned out next? And which player will be going next? Find out next time on User Total Drama World Tour!
Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ How Himalayans can you go?

Darn. I'm outta here now... So Bye? *fades away*
Re: User Total Drama World Tour ~ How Himalayans can you go?

wait why is nabber ranked 9th and nex 10th?

wouldn't they just be tied for 9th?