Control the Throne II

"...I don't even know what's going on in this planet anymore" said Herr Duck. "I knew we should have just tried to get the Chaos Emeralds instead, but no, His Lordshipness decided we had to get a throne that every person on this smelly planet is after"
Just then, a device on Herr Duck's wrist began flashing.
"Ah, finally, the relief is here" said Herr Duck "Maybe I can finally get off this stinking planet"
After he said this, the sky began to darken, and a large spaceship began to land.
Timers will appear at KEY MOMENTS! Watch out for them!

"It's impossible, even with ALL OF THE POWER! Plus, you try controlling a jaguar, or a aeroplane, or a professional tongue poker. You know, I have rockets. Technically, I could leave you losers and go find some other losers who are less bad at everything, and then watch them struggle to keep control instead. But I won't. Because I like it here in Wiki World. And you lot are funny. By the way, LN1 will probably burst through the door right about..."
"Oh, I got my timing wrong. Dang. Hello, LN1. How's taking me away again going? Not very well, I'd say. Oh, did you hear? I can talk. Now! You two! Fight over me or something!"
Once the spaceship had landed, a gorilla emerged. He looked similar to Herr Duck, although he was slightly shorter, and had the uniform of a lower ranked soldier.
"How goes the mission, Herr Duck?" asked the gorilla.
"Not so well, I'm afraid" said Herr Duck, "The planet has descended into chaos. It seems the people of this planet think that the throne contains an evil power, so they've squabbled over it and hidden it many times. I think we'll have to regroup, and come up with a new strategy."
"Very well, then." said the gorilla "We'll leave right away"
And with that, they both boarded the ship. In a matter of seconds, the ship had taken off, blasting into the skies.
Fawful's tongue turned into one of those party whistle things. It rolled out and made duck noises. It was very amusing for everyone around. LN1 laughed his way out of the window. The throne, Tantusar, laughed to itself. "*sigh* You guys crack me up!"
"Sorry, it's just that... one of your powers is that whenever you say conquering, some funny chain of events will happen, no matter what. Your tongue should revert to normal in five minutes. So funny. You don't even know."

Fawful said:
Fawful wrote one more note: I HAVE FURY! On a non related note, do you want to be a human again? Or whatever.
"Of course not. Being the throne is fun! Plus, my body doesn't exist in this timeline, because time shenanigans, so I don't really have anything to go back to."
He tested it on a rock. There wasn't a rock there anymore. Meanwhile, Fawful's tongue was back to normal. He blew a raspberry at Tantusar.

Demon: 47:00:00
Tongue Party: 00:00:00 (Timer End)
Destroy Feature:10:00:00 (Timer Start)

EDIT: Yeah, the glowy marquees were too much work. Simplification FTW. #lazy
"Gentlemen, that's enough! We have to get to the top floor! The boundaries need to be protected!" Neptune yelled. He lead everyone out to the top, where an attack fleet was trying to destroy the city. Neptune, the rest of the Order, and Koopus, each took control of different forces of Lake Town. Koopus was the main commander of the army, he told all 11 members where to go, and where to launch their attacks. He would be dead before the city would be destroyed.

A massive battle took place. It started with most of the team taking control of the turrets, firing on the offending invaders. Neptune took control of the main force - he was always the powerhouse of the Udani. Anton brought in the birds, while Porplemontage gave him a light wind in his favour. Time Q brought up trees all around some of the invaders, and Sir Grodus, his brother, set fire to the trees, causing heat, and allowing the robots to melt. Henrydamoose caused earthquakes which forced the robots to fall in to crevices and break, while Gamefreak flooded the crevices to destroy any surviving robots. They were near a lake, anyway, so it wouldn't have made much difference anyway. Son of Sons brought lightning, powerful sparks in the sky, in order to overload the robots and destroy them. Edofenrir would freeze the robots. InfectedShroom and Wayoshi, the two darkest wizards, would use their powers of Death and Darkness to create a deadly cloud that would overload their circuits and simply kill them. Although the Udani had most of this under control, Koopus intervened. He jumped out of the tower, some 50 meters into the air, falling right in front of the main battle, breaking the ground, and swiping his hammer so hard, air waves blew all of the robots straight into the mountain face in the distance. The throne was protected once more.

The whole group soon returned to the throne. It was time for answers. "Alright, throne" stated Koopus "Tell us all your secrets."
Kingbowser99 said:
"Gentlemen, that's enough! We have to get to the top floor! The boundaries need to be protected!" Neptune yelled. He lead everyone out to the top, where an attack fleet was trying to destroy the city. Neptune, the rest of the Order, and Koopus, each took control of different forces of Lake Town. Koopus was the main commander of the army, he told all 11 members where to go, and where to launch their attacks. He would be dead before the city would be destroyed.

A massive battle took place. It started with most of the team taking control of the turrets, firing on the offending invaders. Neptune took control of the main force - he was always the powerhouse of the Udani. Anton brought in the birds, while Porplemontage gave him a light wind in his favour. Time Q brought up trees all around some of the invaders, and Sir Grodus, his brother, set fire to the trees, causing heat, and allowing the robots to melt. Henrydamoose caused earthquakes which forced the robots to fall in to crevices and break, while Gamefreak flooded the crevices to destroy any surviving robots. They were near a lake, anyway, so it wouldn't have made much difference anyway. Son of Sons brought lightning, powerful sparks in the sky, in order to overload the robots and destroy them. Edofenrir would freeze the robots. InfectedShroom and Wayoshi, the two darkest wizards, would use their powers of Death and Darkness to create a deadly cloud that would overload their circuits and simply kill them. Although the Udani had most of this under control, Koopus intervened. He jumped out of the tower, some 50 meters into the air, falling right in front of the main battle, breaking the ground, and swiping his hammer so hard, air waves blew all of the robots straight into the mountain face in the distance. The throne was protected once more.

The whole group soon returned to the throne. It was time for answers. "Alright, throne" stated Koopus "Tell us all your secrets."
Ummmmm... where is the throne exactly?
I don't think I'd be talking to him if I were the Bowserpedian Throne of Bowserness. I've tried conversation with it. It just says Bowser a lot.
"then...what the hell do we have?!"

Koopus looked at the side of the throne. It held the Bowserpedia insignia. Fawful had gone. "" Henry quickly stated. Everyone quickly ran outside. The skies grew black, and a demonic shadow rose above the ground. "AAHAHAHAHAHA!" it cackled as it rose. Suddenly, lights appeared all around Neptune, Koopus, and the rest of the Order. "No...NO NO NO! Not yet! Please don't take us yet!"

"What's happening?!" cried Madikoopa. "We're being recalled! We needed to protect the planet...but we failed...he must get off the throne! Tell him that! Get him off the throooooooooooooone..."

Neptune, Koopus, and the rest of the Udani were taken away. In the distance, two other lights could be seen rising. They were of Hemu and Obargon, two other angels who made residence on this planet. The world was left without protection. It was up to Madikoopa and Blue Koop to save the world.

(this is basically me pulling out of this game because javelin thinks I ruined it, farewell)