Your headcanons

Headcannons but they grow from not too weird to weird

Blue bowser is just another of the Bowser Species
Luigi is bi
The mushroom kingdom is the most "powerful" kingdom when it comes to money.
Toadette's headgrowths are genetic rare mutations, but harmless ones.
Jumpman is Mario's Pa, and Pauline (odyssey) is Pauline (donkey kong
Birdo is genderfluid
Baby Mario is the Cryingest of the "babies"
Mario likes onions and garlic more than Wario, but is quiet about it
Daisy thinks amogus jokes are still funni
Waluigi is a redditor.
Jumpman is Mario's Pa, and Pauline (odyssey) is Pauline (donkey kong

Honestly I was like, WTF at first, but the more I think about it, the more it makes sense. Jumpman could've passed away first, and Pauline could've just aged fantastically, ala Dolly Parton. And of course Pauline would want to improve the quality of life in NDC after what happened in DK Arcade! Not exactly a headcanon I'd apply to my own, but a good headcanon nonetheless.
g-g-g-g-ghost s-s-sreproduction?!?!?

jokes aside i agree, weve seen boos be able to split and merge, so it make sense they can asexually reproduce lol
Boos get a ghost stork delivered to them obviously

Honestly I was like, WTF at first, but the more I think about it, the more it makes sense. Jumpman could've passed away first, and Pauline could've just aged fantastically, ala Dolly Parton. And of course Pauline would want to improve the quality of life in NDC after what happened in DK Arcade! Not exactly a headcanon I'd apply to my own, but a good headcanon nonetheless.
If anything, it'll explain how Donkey Kong aged to Cranky Kong and Mario seemingly stayed the same?
I prefer to just go with the Kodansha manga's explanation that time passes faster on DK Isle than it does in the Mushroom Kingdom.

You can even apply this idea to other places in Mario's world: Maybe it's why Crumbleden appears post-apocalyptic?
Those never happened. It's just perverse fantasies by Mario.
I believe that Shy Guys are some sort of wood thing underneath their robes and masks.

The revealed face does look like it has a wooden texture, at least to me.

They also have wood stilts for legs.
Also I'm not sure if I'm making stuff up but I vaguely remember Shy Guys having the Wood element in Puzzle & Dragons : Super Mario Bros. Edition.
Though I could be misremembering lol.
Toads have some of the laziest naming conventions. It's pretty established in the Paper Mario games, but I mean it extends to the vast majority of other Toads, and I mean not just Toad, Toadette, Toadsworth, and Toadbert. Blue Toad's name is literally "Blue Toad". Hint Toad's name is literally "Hint Toad". Beetle Mania Toad's name is "Beetle Mania Toad". Same for "Crybaby Toad" being "Crybaby Toad". The news reporter for Mushroom Kingdom is "News Reporter Toad" but he's slightly more creative and he's "Ennar", which is how you say out loud "N.R.", aka "News Reporter". His co-worker is "Onnar", which is how you say "ONR": "Other News Reporter". I mean for crying out loud, Tayce T. is "Tayce Toad" and so on.

If you think that's weird, Toad will just tell you it's a cultural thing. I mean what does "Charles" even mean? It's just a stupid arbitrary combination of letters.

The only uniquely named Toad in the kingdom is named "Sam". He is virtually indistinguishable from other Toads, and he wears a red vest. He works for Peach.

Also the Toads that work for Peach smile so much their smiles stuck. So this is an actual dialogue and their faces are conveyed accurately to their emotions, though how they talk is "normal".

Mario, you work your job fast! Can you clean us with your water thing??? The castle baths are completely booked!
Sam, I already told you, I don't have FLUDD, which is kinda important for me to clean stuff!?
But come on!
HEY why are YOU so special, Sam!? I want to be doused in water first!
Whaddya mean? I've been so dirty for hours! Wah!
I hate my life.

Only those specific Toads that work for Peach have this always-smiling-even-when-depressed trait, so other Toads can smile, frown, cry, be angry, express disappointment, and so on.

Edit: Geez I said this like the third time now in this thread. It's a really long-standing headcanon.

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That goes with my headcanon that Baby Luigi hates geckos (actually just one gecko in particular) and has a collection of chainsaws.

This all started from when my brother and I misheard his 1st-place voice clip in Double Dash.
Toads are basically smurfs.

Their job plus toad is their existence.
There is a sea of raving Piantas underneath Isle Delfino.
I imagine Luigi and Starlow having a "Han and Leia" type of relationship going on, where they can't stand each other but they have feelings for each other. May be one-sided on Starlow's part.
Ok here me out, I believe the koopalings are Bowser's nieces and nephew. What if Fake Bowser was based off of Bowser's cousin,

Not just that though, but we see Dry Bowser and Real Bowser side by side. So what if after the first dry bowser stuff, Bowser decided to revive his cousin, it wouldn't be out of character, we know Bowser gets attached easily (Just look at Jr.), and when his cousin saw how cool Dry Bowser was he decided to stay Dry Bowser, and Bowser is just taking care of his kids, because skeletons don't make great father figures.
To explain some plot holes, Bowser does go Dry sometime, but he always fully heals himself, Bowser's cousin is more passive than Bowser, and their both Bowser cause Bowser's Dad is a jerk, and wanted to troll his kids.
If they were the children of his cousin they would just be his 2nd cousins, not nieces and nephews.