The official "I hate this game" thread

Re: The official Rant and Rave thread

I have to agree actually, sonic gens does kind-of (in its concept) rip off partners in time, but not in its gameplay, which is very different
Re: The official Rant and Rave thread

So how about Mario Galaxy and Sonic Colors. Yo gotta admit its a complete rip off. Look at the ending!
Re: The official Rant and Rave thread

Try this instead:

Re: The official Rant and Rave thread

Who cares if it's a 'ripoff' of Mario? We're not in the 90's anymore, can we please stop comparing their games?
Re: The official Rant and Rave thread

there's absolutely no reason to not compare their games if people want to
Re: The official Rant and Rave thread

Purple Yoshi said:
Who cares if it's a 'ripoff' of Mario? We're not in the 90's anymore, can we please stop comparing their games?

My example is a blatant rip-off of Mario so it's perfectly fine to say it's a blatant rip-off of Mario
Re: The official Rant and Rave thread

Purple Yoshi said:
Who cares if it's a 'ripoff' of Mario? We're not in the 90's anymore, can we please stop comparing their games?

its not a big deal anyway as this is just common with really big mario fanboys.
Re: The official Rant and Rave thread

ernesth100 said:
Good I also think Sonic Colors is copying Mario Galaxy.

I thought you have "high knowledge", no offense

Youtube link doesn't work so check it out

It is called Sonic X-treme
MDHS had a point... rave is GOOD. This is the thread for bad games.
Ok, I haven't mentioned this on here. I hate the Pokémon Mystery Dungeon series. Truthfully, I only played one, Blue Rescue, but if the rest is similar to that one, I won't like it. I love the story and concept of it, but the gameplay is so boring. It's doing the same thing dozens upon dozens of time. I was sick and tired of it after 30 minutes.
Smaug said:
Ok, I haven't mentioned this on here. I hate the Pokémon Mystery Dungeon series. Truthfully, I only played one, Blue Rescue, but if the rest is similar to that one, I won't like it. I love the story and concept of it, but the gameplay is so boring. It's doing the same thing dozens upon dozens of time. I was sick and tired of it after 30 minutes.
Same here. I mean, I have Gates to Infinity. My opinion is the same as yours, except the gameplay isn't bad and it's overall OK.
Smaug said:
I'm not really familiar with Gates to Infinity, because I really have no interest.
I see. Because the game you played s**ked?
I liked the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon games far more than the Pokemon mainline ones

I didn't like Explorers of Time and Darkness, and Gates to Infinity can kiss my back
Baby Luigi said:
and Gates to Infinity can kiss my back
...Is that good or bad?
It sucks.

It has some good things going for it but the downsides definitely outweigh the good
Baby Luigi said:
I liked the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon games far more than the Pokemon mainline ones

I didn't like Explorers of Time and Darkness, and Gates to Infinity can kiss my back
I played Explorers of Sky and Red Rescue Team... I stopped playing Red Rescue Team though cause I was a Mudkip and always took more damage than my partner (who was a Charmander) for some reason.

*Geodude uses Rock Throw on both of us*
I took 26 HP, Charmander only took like 19 HP. :p

As for Explorers of Sky I actually beat it but I ended up being mad because of the traps they set (especially the Zero-PP traps and the slime traps that turn a lot of your items to Grimy Food).
Timmy said:
Zero-PP traps

Those ----ing ass of a trap are the only ----ing reason you're required to have Trap Seer as an IQ trait to advance through the game and enjoy it