What are you doing right now?

Watching TV.
Watching TV while listening to George Jones' music.
Tracking Hurricane Michael. The good news is that it will be a tropical storm when it comes to where I'm at. Also there will be less rain than Florence, there will be less flooding than what Florence did. I hope that Florence will be retired and that name would cause panic and confusion for me if another storm named Florence formed six years from now. The bad news with Michael, the trees that Florence almost knocked down may fall, knocking out power in the process. I seen a TON of trees that was almost knocked down during Florence. The soil is saturated, making it easier for the trees to be knocked down. Also we don't need anymore rain.
Drawing Smash characters.

I'm currently doing a background for Wario.
Trying to get unstuck. I went under my be to retrieve a Joy-Con I dropped under my bed and I got stuck. Pulling the mattress out from under the bed and have it stuck in a location with you behind it is a bad situation.
Laying in bed, wishing I could call my boyfriend and wake him up. It's kind of a long story.

Update: He woke up like three minutes later.
I'm in the car on the way to bowling and also waiting for my boyfriend to wake up. I can't wait until I can wake him up myself, which he gave me permission to do.
Listening to music.
just fought my computer mouse because it wasnst moving the cursor well. turns out its battery just needed to be changed. :koopa:
Read the first issue of the Splatoon manga and just killing some time in general until midnight.
Sitting and hoping Christmas doesn't take too long to arrive, especially since I know I'll get Smash Ultimate at that time.