What are you doing right now?

wow this is still alive

Admittedly, putting off doing a favour for someone by procrastination. Although that's mostly out of having done it (the action in general, not the favour for the person) far too many times and being a bit burned out.
Praying, browsing the Internet, and listening to music. I'm a multi-tasker if you ask me.
Joel Robinson said:
I'm in the car on the way to bowling and also waiting for my boyfriend to wake up. I can't wait until I can wake him up myself, which he gave me permission to do.

History is repeating itself.
Starting the year off with a bowl of lucio-oh's and lightly pushing my cats face away from said cereal.

Waiting for my nephew to come home from school so I can play Super Smash Bros. Ultimate with him.
Fixing my Switch. Although I broke it, I know how to fix it, I should be able to get er done in a day or two. Yes I'm a fan of Larry the Cable Guy.
Sometimes I play games on my phone or browser when I want to make a break, my favorite games are:
- Paper;
- Ghostz;
- Tribs;
- Limax.
If you are bored or just have some free time, visit this website, hope you like it - naw
I'm preping for an awards ceremony for my schoo. I'm going to be gone fo the next 8 hours plus as it is in the capital of my state.
Playing on my guitar.