Post horrible videogames/related things

Hitoshura said:
The games that say HOLY CRAP 100 HOURS OF GAMEPLAY but it's just like twenty five hours and they make you run through the game four times for a good ending or...well any case where the length is stretched coughsymphoniacough.

Then there is Dragon Quest 8.
Peeps, post material.

FЯЕ4КШ0ЯГD said:
Hitoshura said:
The games that say HOLY CRAP 100 HOURS OF GAMEPLAY but it's just like twenty five hours and they make you run through the game four times for a good ending or...well any case where the length is stretched coughsymphoniacough.

Then there is Dragon Quest 8.

Oh boy. Yay 700 hours. Hey more time to look at Jessica's-*you know what I'm gonna say*

Really more of a pet peeve, but I don't like it when the battle starts and you can take control in an RPG while the song's opening is still playing. An example being the last battle of Persona 3 FES. Something actually horrible is when games take the old 'Battle theme, boss theme, and final boss theme' pattern. More wouldn't hurt. It's 2014 after all.
Now introducing the best game ever... HALO FOUR

It took them THIS long to make another Halo game.

That's surprising.
Try telling that to Microsoft 7 years ago. Halo's practically their Mario.
Shy Guy Forever said:

It's really not that bad, man.
Yeah, it's bad, but hardly the worst the Atari had to offer.
I played through it a few times a few years back. It was enjoyable.
ET was a complete game and wasn't glitchy, more than a lot of games at the time could say.

It's only got a rep for being THAT bad because it was such a huge bust.
A lot of the complaining then came from the quality not meeting the price (which, really, wasn't a surprising event back then. Atari seemed to wholeheartedly feel that they could take a huge dump in a cartridge and people would buy it just for the smell). These days, a lot of the complaining comes from people who never played the game but read it was the worst game ever.

There was actually an article in one of the Digital Press books from someone who had fond memories of the game.
Quality games weren't really in abundance back then. Like I said, ET ended up being higher quality than most games of the age just by being complete and not broken entirely from glitches.

Actually, that's more than a few games today can say.
I can't watch videos at the moment.

Are you saying Super Mario 64 is bad?
Or is this a bootleg version?
Or is it a horrible LP?