The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild

Well I just watched a video of the final boss because I can't help but spoil myself with such things. Spoilers obviously.

Pretty underwhelming to be honest. 2 forms and the first one is this weird centipede beast and the 2nd form Dark Beast Ganon was even more so since all it does is slowly move about and shoot easily avoidable mouth lasers.

If this was so they could give you the ability to beat the game at any time, I'll have gladly had that feature taken out.
Nabber said:
is "you need to play intelligently" a complaint now
"git gud" is now illegal
Nabber said:
is "you need to play intelligently" a complaint now

It does depend on the player who's playing of course. I've already gotten down the best way to defeat Stone Tallus, so I'm just hoping that I can replicate the strategy in the final build.
i have no idea what stone tallus is but zelda had always revolved around puzzle solving and I'd prefer it continue to stay as a game that you need actual logic to solve
Nabber said:
i have no idea what stone tallus is but zelda had always revolved around puzzle solving and I'd prefer it continue to stay as a game that you need actual logic to solve

In the E3 2016 demo, the Great Plateau mid-boss was originally named Steppe Tallus. It now goes by the name, "Stone Tallus".
i may or may not have bought this game

anyone else had problems with the "gone with the wind" shrine?

the one en route to kakariko next to the bridge when you go towards the twin mountain thing

it took me ages to get to the 2nd treasure chest

edit: climbing the twin mountains with only the initial stamina is hard.
Apparently i'm a huge chump because I die all the god damn time.
I personally prefer to increase my stamina because it makes it easier to pass long walls and rivers. Having low number of hearts is okay for me because even if I die, I know what to do to not die again, you can't say the same thing when you can't climb a wall because of not enough stamina.
But I read there are 120 sanctuaries in the game, so I think in the end, it's possible to maximise health and stamina.
i managed to climb the twin mountain with only base stamina (barely but i managed to stand on some of the walls for a bit to regain a small amount of stamina) and i flew from there to a high tower that else would be unscalable and thats the only two points ive seen so far that can be hard to get to with only base stamina
I did get a game over while facing Windblight Ganon, due to an unblockable instant death attack that it had. Two other game overs were due to some bad planning while attacking a Bokoblin hideout, and stone collecting got interrupted by a skeletal Lizalfos ambush.

Haven't gotten any other official game overs after that right now, as I've been trying to study the enemies more thoroughly in hopes of avoiding gang attacks.

On a side note, I've looked at some various Miiverse posts, and it's funny how some players have the guts to make Link wear only his boxer shorts.
2257 said:
hey i beat it

this is the best zelda game

You must be quick then. I've only taken care of one of the four Divine Beasts. Then again, there are some bold players who are willing to take on the Calamity Ganon right off the bat.
I've been seeing some Miiverse posts that showcase some very helpful food items that you can acquire. However, not all of the screenshots show the recipes that were used.


I may want to make something like that later on, but the fear of getting a dubious meal is in the air as well.
this game is already art and i havent done anything beyond dying a lot while vaguely following the main quest

the only time it disappointed me in any capacity was when i was naming my horse and found out "freakworld" was one letter above the character limit
I did all the divine beasts. I'm now hunting for shrines and Koroks.

Thunderblight Ganon is absolute horseshit. What a terribly unfun boss battle. The other three good though, especially Windblight.\

The dungeons were all right, albeit kinda short. Some neat puzzles in them. Too bad Koroks didn't get one. I think 5 beasts + Hyrule would've been the sweet spot, imo.

I loved how the music in the beasts gradually changed the more terminals were activated. My favorite track was the Vah Medoh one. Revali's a dick, though.

daruk is best character
I've only taken back Medoh and Ruta so far. I'm also hunting down shrines and materials for upgrading my armor supply, especially since some armor sets have bonus effects once you've upgraded them twice; for an example, the fire resistant armor set has a fireproof bonus effect.

I'm still trying to figure out where I can acquire more Ancient Arrows though, since I only have one, which isn't going to help against the Guardians right now.
Managed to take all the towers. Currently hunting some shrines to get a bunch of Spirit Orbs, and currently getting loot from inactive Guardians for Ancient Arrows.

Man, I went through a lot of Game Overs.
i took on ruta

damn that was great

also spent ages trying to figure out how to get the chests in a shrine when they were on burnable wood plates and you could just shoot them through a flame with arrows and theyd come down lo

i already managed to glitch my way up on a place you wouldnt normally be able to reach (new glitch apparently a quick google search didnt net any results for that particular shrine) but it didnt work
I'm now able to acquire Ancient gear, but the prices and required materials can be a pain to get by.

At least there are ways that you can raise your rupee supply, whether it's hunting down a Stone Talus and selling its remains, or even giving a specific Zora 10 Luminous Stones in exchange for a Diamond.

For the Ancient armor, however, you'd need to save up to 6,000 rupees to get them all, but you'd also have to hunt down some Guardian Stalkers and Guardian Skywatchers in hopes of getting the more rare Ancient materials; the Decayed Guardians will only really give you the more common Ancient materials. And in regards to the Guardian Skywatchers, they're hard to hit if you don't use your bow in the air, and you do need to hit them directly in the eye with the Ancient Arrow for the instant kill.
2257 said:
10 luminous stones are worth more than one diamond so that quest is really only worth it the first time (since he gives you two diamonds) or if you need specifically a diamond for something

You actually do need a Diamond in order to make certain weapons. The weapons that you receive after taking back the Divine Beasts do not last forever after all.

Of course, you'd also need a specific weapon, along with some Flint, and depending on the required weapon, you might be going through a wild goose chase trying to find it.