Best Starter Pokemon of each Generation?

Just a bit curious on what everyone likes.

I've only played X, so this is merely hypothetical for me.

Gen 1: Tie between Bulbasaur and Squirtle.
Gen 2: Chikorita! <3
Gen 3: Torchic
Gen 4: Piplup
Gen 5: Oshawott or Snivy
Gen 6: I original chose Fennekin, but not I wish I had chosen Froakie instead cause of Gerninja.
Gen 1: Like 'em all.
Gen 2: Cyndaquil
Gen 3: Really torn between Mudkip and Torchic
Gen 4: Turtwig. He was my first pokemon.
Gen 5: None of them really.
Gen 6: Froakie
1: bulbasaur
2: totodile
3: mudkip
4: piplup
5: they're all shit so i cant pick
6: froakie
Gen 1: Squirtle
Gen 2: Cyndaquil
Gen 3: Torchic
Gen 4: Turtwig
Gen 5: Tepig
Gen 6: Fennekin

My favorite overall is Torchic
favourites by first evolution

I: Charmander
II: Totodile
III: Torchic
IV: Piplup
V: Snivy
VI: Fennekin

favourites by overall line

I: Charmander
II: Totodile
III: Treeko
IV: Turtwig
V: Snivy
VI: Froakie
1. Squirtle > Charmander > Bulbasaur (although they're all great)
2. Totodile > Cyndaquil > Chikorita (although they're all bad)
3. eh... if i had to pick, i'd probably say that mudkip is the best first evo, grovyle is the best second evo, and blaziken is the best third evo
4. Turtwig > Chimchar > Piplup (although they're all rather good)
5. Snivy > Oshawott > Tepig (none of them are that good. snivy looks the coolest though)
6. Froakie > Fennekin >>>>> Chespin (although my favorite out of all of them is Braixen)
Fighter Zae said:
5: they're all shit so i cant pick

you arent allowed to have this opinion

Gen 1: bulbasaur/squirtle
Gen 2: cyndaquil
Gen 3: treecko
Gen 4: turtwig
Gen 5: snivy
Gen 6: froakie
Gen 1: Charmander
Gen 2: Cyndaquil
Gen 3: Mudkip
Gen 4: REALLY close tie between Chimchar and Piplup
Gen 5: Tepig
Gen 6: Fennekin

Please note; I have only played 4 and 5, so I didn't really judge based on the games
gen 1: charmander/bulbasaur (i haven't actually used squirtle, so idk whether it's any good or not)
gen 2: cyndaquil (haven't used the others, but cyndaquil is pretty neat)
gen 3: torchic (same thing as with cyndaquil)
gen 4: haven't played, so no opinion
gen 5: snivy (once again, the only one i've used so i don't know how good the others are)
gen 6: froakie (froakie has the best design, imo, so i chose it)
1. Squirtle (They're all great though)
2. Cyndaquil
3. Treeko (Though I picked Mudkip)
4. I'm not really a fan of any, but i'd go with Chimchar
5. Oshawott
6. Froakie
I: Squirtle (although I really like all three)
II: Cyndaquil (overall favorite starter as well as my fourth favorite Pokemon)
III: Mudkip
IV: Piplup
V: Snivy
VI: I picked Fennekin but I'm not actually that big of a fan of it so eh
Thrawn said:
1. Squirtle > Charmander > Bulbasaur (although they're all great)
2. Totodile > Cyndaquil > Chikorita (although they're all bad)

Pft, I honestly find that reversed. I honestly believe Generation II had the best Starters of them all.

I: Charmander (Really don't like the first gen starters)
II: Cyndaquil (All time favorite starter)
III: Torchic
IV: Charmander
V: Snivy
VI: Froakie
Anna said:
I: Charmander (Really don't like the first gen starters)
II: Cyndaquil (All time favorite starter)
III: Torchic
IV: Charmander
V: Snivy
VI: Froakie

Charmander for Gen IV? I don't think that's supposed to count
I think Gen III has the best starters but Gen III is my favorite Gen of all so....
^same, for me it goes;
gen 3 starters
gen 4 starters
gen 2 starters
gen 1 starters
gen 5 starters
gen 6 starters
Gen 1: Goomy
Gen 2: Goomy
Gen 3: Goomy
Gen 4: Goomy
Gen 5: Goomy
Gen 6: GOOMY

But really
Gen 1: Bulbasaur
Gen 2: Totodile
Gen 3: Torchic
Gen 4: Piplup
Gen 5: Snivy
Gen 6: Froakie, but I chose Chespin
Gen 1. would obviously be Squirtle, not a big fan of the other two, but I like Ivysaur.
Gen 2. is Chikorita because it's the only non-ugly evolution of those duo.
Gen 3. is a hard decision, and I don't like the evolutions. I'd pick Treecko though.
Gen 4. is kinda meh but either Piplup or Turtwig again because they both look awesome.
Gen 5. has to be Snivy, obviously.
Gen 6. is the cute fire fox, Fennekin, and the awesome chestnut creature Chespin.