Debate Your Character! (Newcomers AND Unconfirmed Veterans allowed)

Watch the final secret character be a joke.

I've heard the stories of everybody huddled over there computer, looking as Japanese players leaked all the unlockable characters. Everyone sat in anticipation and wondered who the last character was. Several thought it would be Ridley.

Nope, Wolf.
That would cause massive Miiverse riots so huge the console would Shut Down for a while.
Dr. Javelin said:
i don't really see what the problem is with seven reps. mario has six+ reps and pokemon is just as (if not more) popular
(donkey kong, diddy kong are kinda mario reps but not exactly)
If we're not regarding the subseries, there could only be Mariobros, Peach and Bowser, while Wario and Diddy would be definitely absent from this game. Rosalina is still debatable in both cases.
Dorayaki said:
Rosalina is still debatable in both cases.

I think Rosalina is definitely a Mario character. She does not have an game that she is in where you cannot play as Mario. Therefore I don' feel she qualifies as being a subspecies Character. Also, there is no way that Pac-man will have a both a character and an assist trophy. I find it hard to believe already that Pac-man will be in the game. Pac-man is not major enough to be in it. Also, Ms. Pac-man was made by an entirely different company from Pac-man, and than adopted by Namco. If Pac-man somehow gets in, and they find a clever moveset that fits him, they will almost undoubtedly not be able to make Ms. Pac-man unique.
GalacticPetey said:
Watch the final secret character be a joke.

I've heard the stories of everybody huddled over there computer, looking as Japanese players leaked all the unlockable characters. Everyone sat in anticipation and wondered who the last character was. Several thought it would be Ridley.

Nope, Wolf.
How do we know it's the last?
CrafterPig said:
GalacticPetey said:
Watch the final secret character be a joke.

I've heard the stories of everybody huddled over there computer, looking as Japanese players leaked all the unlockable characters. Everyone sat in anticipation and wondered who the last character was. Several thought it would be Ridley.

Nope, Wolf.
How do we know it's the last?
In every Smash game, you get a message when you unlock all the characters.

Character Name: Paper Mario
Series: Paper Mario
Debut Game: Paper Mario (N64)

Reasons why people don't think this character will make it in:
He comes from a series of Mario RPGs, which are relatively obscure compared to other Mario games, he's just Mario with a redesign, people prefer new characters to copies of existing ones

Rebuttals/Opposite argument to the reasons above:
Obscure characters can still have a chance, especially since Mario is still a very recognizable character, and if we can have two Links then two Marios wouldn't be too bizarre. While he is a redesigned Mario, he has great unique moveset potential, such as utilizing his partners and Pixls from the first three games, and using his Hammer in a variety of ways. He would still be a unique character

Opening statement on why you believe this character should be playable:
Paper Mario, while his most recent game was a flop, would represent an otherwise-perfect series of RPGs. As stated above, his moveset could utilize abilities he gained in the first three games such as Super Hammer (swinging his hammer around in circles), Shell Toss, hiding with Vivian/Bow, using Thoreau to pull opponents closer, and his final smash could be Supernova. Thoughts?
On one hand, Paper Mario would be a cool and interesting fighter.

However. We already have five Mario characters. And that's not even counting the sub series like DK, Yoshi, and Wario. I don't want this game to have that many Mario characters.
But Mario is the most iconic Nintendo series. I'd say one more Mario newcomer wouldn't hurt. Especially one to represent a Mario spinoff, which Paper Mario would be. I would say Waluigi should also be there to rep the sports spinoffs, but he was deconfirmed so...
Yeah, but that doesn't mean it should be overcrowded with them. There's more to Nintendo than Mario, as many people on this forum seem to forget.

What about Metriod? It's a major Nintendo series that only has two reps. One of them isn't even a separate character on the character select screen. That series should get more priority over Mario right now. Hell, I'd much rather play as Ridley than Paper Mario.
Paper Mario is literally the only possible chance the Mario RPGs get represented at all in terms of the Roster. Because of that I'd say Paper Mario would get his own symbol like Wario, Yoshi, and DK do because Paper Mario really is a seperate universe from the platformers. Given other then references to retro games in Paper Mario series, there's barely any referral to either games between recent platformers and RPGs. I actually think Paper Mario's still a slight possibility because of this. But I'm not counting on it. Sticker Star could still be a reason they decided to include Paper Mario though.

But you do know that regardless of the reception to Sticker Star. At least one of his moves are going to be related to that game though xP
Rocket '3Koon said:
My problem with Paper Mario is that it's Mario. Again.
I was thinking this, because Paper Mario is just Mario in a different style. But then again Young Link and normal Link and Melee were the same people, and that didn't cause much ruckus.
And we have Toon Link and Link, so what's the deal?

ernesth100 said:
The game basically revolves around Mario


Because Mario is Nintendo's biggest series.

Character Name: Pichu
Series: Pokémon
Smash Bros. game the Character was Playable in: Melee

It's a clone of Pikachu that gets hurt for no reason

I have no rebuttals

It can be revamped
Pichu was the absolute worst decision for a Smash game. I have no idea what Sakurai was thinking when he added Pichu into Melee.

All he is a shittier Pikachu. He offers nothing and there far more Pokemon characters that should get in over him.
GalacticPetey said:
Pichu was the absolute worst decision for a Smash game. I have no idea what Sakurai was thinking when he added Pichu into Melee.

All he is a *bleep*tier Pikachu. He offers nothing and there far more Pokemon characters that should get in over him.
Preachin to the Chior bro.
Junketsu said:
If SSB came out next year instead of this year, I'd make arguments for why the Hanzo girls, particularly Asuka and Yagyuu, would make great additions.

Fuck it.


Character Name: Asuka
Series:閃乱カグラ(Senran Kagura), which consists primarily of beat-em-ups
Debut Game: 閃乱カグラ少女達の真影 (Senran Kagura: Portrait of Girls)
Character's History with Nintendo: Portrait of Girls was a Nintendo 3DS-exclusive title that released in Japan on September 22nd, 2011. On August 30th, 2012, Senran Kagura Burst, which includes Portrait of Girls and new content, also for the Nintendo 3DS, was released in Japan. In January of 2013, it became an eShop title. In November of 2013, Senran Kagura Burst was localized in North America as an eShop title. On February 28th, 2014, the game was localized in Europe as both an eShop title and a physical release. That region is also home to the game's only Miiverse community. In August of this year, a sequel, Senran Kagura 2: Deep Crimson, is scheduled for release in Japan on the Nintendo 3DS, and Asuka will yet again be a playable character.

Reasons why people don't think this character will make it in

No one knows who she is.
She is more of a sexual object than a competent fighter.

Rebuttals/Opposite argument to the reasons above

Senran Kagura Burst is available in Japan, North America, and Europe. The game has its own Miiverse community (say what you want about Miiverse, but the games that have communities on it tend to be new/popular). There is an anime and five manga series based on Senran Kagura and a website based around Burst. Quality varies, of course, but the point is that there are many ways by which people can become acquainted with the series' characters aside from buying the game.

As for the second point, while I concede that Asuka and the other females are sexualized to a degree, unlike their contemporaries in other forms of media, this is not exploited by the male characters in the series (granted, there aren't many), and the girls are capable of holding their own in the face of adversity. Since I'm only making a case for Asuka at the moment, I would like to direct your attention to the following video. The relevant portion begins around 25 seconds in.

If you can't see the video, I guess you'll have to make do with this screenshot:

Opening statement on why you believe this character should be playable

Including Asuka would introduce some variety into the series, since aside from Peach, Rosalina, Wii Fit Trainer, Samus, and Zelda, every playable human character in the series revealed thus far is male. Her unique fighting style would make her formidable both on the ground and in the air, able to execute quick but devastating attacks, and the attention she and the series of which she is a part would receive from her inclusion in the Super Smash Bros. franchise might prove an incentive for Nintendo to experiment with its lesser-known or more neglected IPs in future installments.
Northern Verve said:
Paper Mario is literally the only possible chance the Mario RPGs get represented at all in terms of the Roster. Because of that I'd say Paper Mario would get his own symbol like Wario, Yoshi, and DK do because Paper Mario really is a seperate universe from the platformers.
Very true. He would indeed have interesting gameplay feature. Even though I don't wish him or Toon Link to be in this game, at least Paper Mario had a NEW game during the interval. I still wish to see subseries representives that have independent backstory and personalities.