WarioWare Portal

A lot of our connections here are basically just fan interpretation. For example, there's literally nothing that points to Space Monster Gabriel being the name of the giant planet that eats Orbulon, or to Sugar being the name of the blond guy at Club Sugar who kicks the Thang family out, or to Rocky the Reporter being the name of the dalmatian who reports on the success of wario's game, but we've made educated guesses and generally plain ol' common sense to connect the dots. Maybe Nintendo intended for the giant planet to be named Sugar, who knows, but for now, we'll stick with what makes sense.
Aren't those connections based on where the character appears in the game, though? I'm not against using common sense and putting two and two together to say "this is supposed to be this", but I feel like connecting a name from a game to a more than likely unrelated comic is even more of a stretch then that. But I've never played these games or really looked into them all that much, so who am I to be questioning this? If these things really are supposed to be the same thing, then whatever, it's not like I'm gonna lose sleep over it.
I mean, the comic directly involves Ashley while also featuring a group of unnamed friends, and the characters are named "Ashley's Creepy Crew," so calling the two unrelated is more of a stretch than not.

Edit: while we're on the subject, are we going to cover the comic in any way? There's not much to it, but we have an article on this thing (Donkey Kong in When the Banana Splits). Maybe an article where we can group this with similar comics that have been previously released?
Okay, now that I've read the comic again, this kinda makes a little more sense (I assumed that the monsters just materialized into the room when she magicked her costume on instead of being a group of characters implied by the comic to already exist...)

In other words: I didn't really pay attention to what I was looking at the first time. Don't mind me and my ignorance.
Time Turner said:
Edit: while we're on the subject, are we going to cover the comic in any way? There's not much to it, but we have an article on this thing (Donkey Kong in When the Banana Splits). Maybe an article where we can group this with similar comics that have been previously released?

there's nothing though. they did similar comics from Rhythm Tenghoku the Best+ but that's a wee bit outside the purview of the wiki.

the comic is to promote her 3ds theme, so mebbe an article covering both?????
I mean, there really isn't anything of significance in the comic besides the appearance of the Creepy Crew and making a page solely on one theme seems kind of silly. If we made a page on Mario-related 3ds themes, we can say that there was a comic to promote the theme then link to said comic.
Gamefreak75 said:
If we made a page on Mario-related 3ds themes, we can say that there was a comic to promote the theme then link to said comic.
...i'm surprised that there isn't a page for the mario 3ds themes already lmao
GBAToad said:
Gamefreak75 said:
If we made a page on Mario-related 3ds themes, we can say that there was a comic to promote the theme then link to said comic.
...i'm surprised that there isn't a page for the mario 3ds themes already lmao

There's a section on the Nintendo 3DS page (Nintendo 3DS#List of Mario-related themes) that lists them out, but I doubt that's good enough.
Fligby's Japanese name (スラお, surao) is a pun on slime (スライム, suraimu)
--> the only slime character is the creature in Ashley's stage (plus it's listed alongside the characters in Ashley's stage)
--> Fligby is the name of the blobby creature that Ashley creates
--> I made an article on Fligby (Fligby).

Glad we got that squared away.
The Fligby Researcher Society will reward you handsomely for this deed.
For the hell of it, I've made a table of the Japanese names for the credits of Twisted. No attempts at translation here (I'll leave that to the people who know what they're doing), I'm only transcribing the Japanese characters to the best of my abilities and listing who they correspond to.

Japanese nameCorresponds to
アイドル ナオ コモリSal Out
モナーズ1ごうThe Yum Yums
モナーズ2ごうThe Yum Yums
モナーズ3ごうThe Yum Yums
ピザ ダイナソーズPizza Dinosaur
モナピザてんちょう ジョーPizza Joe (Manager Joe)
ジミーパパPapa T. (Thang Family)
ジミーママMama T. (Thang Family)
こまいぬぽんきちShadow the Dog
はやぶさのハやトShuriken the Falcon
やまの かみさま ひでおうDiamond Troll
うちゆうじん クニヤクニヤーンOcktor
ウチューうさぎAlien Bunnies (Alien Bunny)
スペース モンスター ガブリエルSpace Monster Gabriel
ナインボルトの おかあさん ファイブワット5-Volt
ニュースキャスター ケンAnchorman Ken (Ken the Reporter)
わんぱくねずみ チュータローPip Squeak
おきゃくさん マツオカふさいPizza Patrons
クラブサトー オーナー サトーさんSugar (Sugar (character))
ダイヤモンド ようちえんの みなさんDiamond City Kindergarten (Diamond Kindergarten)
ダイヤモンド しょうがっこうの みなさんDiamond City Elementary School (Diamond City Elementary)
I mostly did this to find out the identity of Pip Squeak, and I'll also post a screenshot of the original text at this link because I'm not entirely confident in my transcription (although a preliminary machine translation suggests that Pip Squeak is actually the mouse from Wario's stage). Same deal with the Pizza Patrons - lack of confidence, here is link.