Critically acclaimed movies you don't like

oh ok, never mind then
avatar was ok but nothingn special. i also dislike gravity for stealing so many awards, but i havent seen it so i guess i cant judge. just the concept never interested me.
It had me interested enough while I was watching it, but the more I think about it, the more I dislike Gravity: it starred the wrong character, and the symbolism was WAY too heavy-handed.

I also agree that 2001: A Space Odyssey was boring and weird.
Walkazo said:
It had me interested enough while I was watching it, but the more I think about it, the more I dislike Gravity: it starred the wrong character, and the symbolism was WAY too heavy-handed.
I think Gravity was critically acclaimed less for the story and symbolism and more for the cinematic aspects of it (being the acting, cinematography, special effects, atmosphere, and directing).
Viridi said:
Walkazo said:
I also agree that 2001: A Space Odyssey was boring and weird.
I'm not alone! Yes!
I'm pretty sure that's a popular opinion. You either love 2001 or you hate it.
I've recently watched the Avengers

It was mostly a borefest for me. I was never a fan of superhero movies. Or superhero stuff in general.
I had a friend who told me about the backstories, who'd think I'd actually like the movie which is the reason he showed it

Still didn't captivate me or change my tastes.
in retrospect, winter soldier and iron man were better movies, and of course the dark knight

avengers didn't really have the same emotional impact. i mean, you can't find a movie with cooler action, but avengers was (for better or for worse) more of a light-hearted action flick
Viridi said:
i mean, you can't find a movie with cooler action
pacific rim, though of course that's subjective

pacific rim (imo) worked because it did, in some ways, succeed at adding emotional depth to the (incredibly well-done) action
GalacticPetey said:
Your loss.
We're girls.

It's understandable.

:P :P
I'm a girl; I liked The Avengers. I even had a customer the other day poke fun at me for only watching plotless action movies of late - and I was like "But Godzilla had a couple interesting characters... four, even, if you include Godzilla himself and that one bus driver".
Why shouldn't you count Godzilla as a character? I bring this up in my 'Shroom review (shameless plug). Godzilla is different from other movie monsters because he has a personality and character. In his facial expressions alone, you can get some good emotion.
Viridi said:
the dark knight

actually that's another good example on my end.

i think the movie's ok, but that's about it. i could never get the hype behind it, at least no more than any other average superhero flick.
Blissey said:
Viridi said:
the dark knight

actually that's another good example on my end.

i think the movie's ok, but that's about it. i could never get the hype behind it, at least no more than any other average superhero flick.
The Dark Knight was more serious and emotional, that's more than your average superhero flick
supermariofan said:
Blissey said:
Viridi said:
the dark knight

actually that's another good example on my end.

i think the movie's ok, but that's about it. i could never get the hype behind it, at least no more than any other average superhero flick.
The Dark Knight was more serious and emotional, that's more than your average superhero flick

i meant "average" as in the movie's overall quality, not its contents.
GalacticPetey said:
Why shouldn't you count Godzilla as a character? I bring this up in my 'Shroom review (shameless plug). Godzilla is different from other movie monsters because he has a personality and character. In his facial expressions alone, you can get some good emotion.
Oh, I do (my customer's the skeptical one). He's my favourite character in the movie.

Иeptune said:
I can only see two emotions in that dang face: Fury and RAAAAAAAAAWRRR
He also had the best smirk when

he crunched the one Muto trying to jump him into the building with his tail.