Bowser needs his own game.

Baby Luigi said:
Yes can we please stop talking about the number one fools of the Mario series and back to our main villain?

Bowser should team up with King K. Rool against Mario and Donkey Kong

They could compete with which one is hammier.
That would be a brilliant idea

Have them work together, but also be very competitive at the same time
Not necessarily. They should both end up having some sort of final boss fight and if they both get defeated, they start blaming it on each other
Ham vs ham combat.
Lumastar said:
I heard there was ham in this thread.

Bowser loves ham.
Who DOESN'T love ham though?
Screw all of you.

Bacon is too crispy
But thats the only way to remotely enjoy it!
Your answer is wrong.
You have a messed up life.
Oh noes. Edit war.

But seriously, you're the first person I met that doesn't love bacon.
I'm just not crazy about it. I can actually eat it fine but I feel no desire to obtain it.
You don't absolutely 100% love bacon? HEATHEN!