Mario pictures

Lordy, was that meant for Look at it!?
Waluigi grounding Luigi meat as taco filling. Yum.

Image caption is misleading. Yoshi looks like he won instead.
Cooked, more like roasted.
Microscopic pores in his "cap".
I always assumed that they just breathed out of their mouth or maybe through some weird form of osmosis.

builder mario and builder luigi are getting plushies

i have a bad feeling in the pit of me wallet
why are they so cute im gonna cry
i want a luigi plush or soemthing along those lines but knowing my cats. if i leave it be on my table ill find it on the floor next morning. figurines are kinda the best option
The blue dinosaur is not impressed by that overcooked featherless chicken.
the way this is set up looks like the big boy is Absolutely Unimpressed by the hyperrealistic tiny baby. he will stomp the baby into the ground