Look at it! Look at it! LOOK AT IT!

Mcmadness said:
Nonsense, he is clearly very intimidating when he flees from those tennis balls.

Also DK is scary.
Not as intimidating when he's about to get kissed by a Birdo.

Yeah, I don't think I'm the only one who finds DK's grin unsettling. It's no accident that the Mario Kart DS DK model looks the worst of the bunch. Or he's in that absolutely stunning Mario Golf Toadstool screenshot picture I put in this thread.
The fact they felt the need to emphasise DK's gums doesn't help
Threek said:

Is that freaking Asterix in the background or has my brain fully melted?
Threek said:

mary pizza pop
Hey, look it's not so bad and OH MY GAWD WHAT IS THAT? It's not Mario because Mario's already there. What is it doing here? Why? Is that supposed to be Luigi? Waluigi? I don't think Waluigi existed back then, or did he?

Rew said:

Goomba IRL.
It's hard for bashing them as ugly when they're supposed to look ugly.
Rew said:
Mario Party Σ said:
It's hard for bashing them as ugly when they're supposed to look ugly.

The ugliness comes from their lack of Goomba-liness. (Goombas are beautiful creatures after all.)

More movie fun. Princess Daisy wasn't born--she was hatched.
Yeah, I won't excuse that. After all, everything in this movie is pretty ugly. Maybe except for Bob-omb.

Rifftrax: If that's Yoshi, then they really skimped on the special effects here.
that game gets FAR TOO much hate

the boxart is decent quality at worst. i mean seriously, people should stop letting their hate for this game delude themselves
Gabriele said:
Everyone requested it...

That looks beautiful compared to Chinese Super Bros. 4.

Seriously, those Chinese characters need to stay off this crap.

Rew said:
^ In which case, it's surprising there aren't more entries from the movie in this thread, since it's the epitome of Mario ugliness. :P
It's kind of hard to declare the epitome of Mario ugliness when we have....
Mcmadness said:

Well, maybe except for Mario's FUNdamentals.
These guys don't know how to make sprites. >_>
Mcmadness said:
Stuff from Wrecking Crew '98 isn't too bad. It's just that Bowser's position is a bit awkward.
Mcmadness said:
This one is horrible. I don't think Donkey Kong looks any better. :P
Probably not but DK never looks good to you :P
Mcmadness said:
Probably not but DK never looks good to you :P
Well, except for the dead ones.
Yeah, I didn't mean undead. Dead as in... dead.