Look at it! Look at it! LOOK AT IT!

At least it's meant to look like that.
Yeah, it's supposed to be ugly, but this is a thread for ugly renders, artwork, bootlegs, etc., so it would fit right in. Some people might even find this a tad cute.
He looks old.

This is a real thing

I've found SOMETHING all right.
That picture made me cringe. A lot.
I just googled ''chinese knock off Mario'' and it came up.

It's not even Chinese!
The Google search probably omitted the "Chinese" part
well I had found a bunch of other chinese knock offs

Mcmadness said:

This is a real thing

What if the *gross* image becomes the next Mario & Luigi game?

As for the second one, I'm sure this is what Yoshi finds after Mario ditched him for yet another second jump.
I shutter to think about it.

As for the second picture, it's more yoshi's cousin.
that bootleg of baby peach is scary ----
I think Yoshi looks fine
Well Magikrazy has a point

But my real opinion is that it looks like the older design of Yoshi and I actually liked Yoshi before he turned ugly.
I'm fine with both Yoshi designs, but that one looks kind of stretched, his arms seem way out of proportion (to me at least), and he looks kind of high.