Look at it! Look at it! LOOK AT IT!

:bowser:: Me wants KITTY NIP!

I guess that's all right because a fair few users here find Bowser pretty cute.
Hey, I've posted this before. :) But anyway, that turtle thing... why does it look so evil?
Well you see, when 2 koopas that are related love each other very much....
Bowser's reproduction gone awry.
Fortunately it only exists in an alternate universe.
A bootleg one, that is.
Where Bowser is purple, koopas are brown and Luigi is the short one.
Mcmadness said:
Where Bowser is purple, koopas are brown and Luigi is the short one.
No no no, they're both look exactly the same except Luigi's green.

That would've been the case years ago, but even in the artwork during those times, Luigi's different.
Is he also lefty?
In MY headcanon, he's a lefty. Not sure about other things.
Magikrazy said:
In Super Sluggers, he bats left.

So there's that.
But he pitches right.

If we're going by Super Sluggers stuff, then there is a whole lot of ambidextrous people in Mushroom Kingdom, or the ratio between left and right handers is more balanced.
i like how baby luigi bats left and pitches right, like how i'd play baseball

and his rookie year is 1995, also the year i was "created"

something is on to me.
Looking at the roster list, the only true confirmed true lefties in Mario are Waluigi, Dry Bones, Boo, and Petey Piranha.

Of course, Petey creates tornadoes with his right leaf in Sunshine and Waluigi and Boo hold tennis rackets in their right hand by default, so really just Dry Bones.

But I'm sure there's a minigame in Mario Party 7 or 8 that disproves that.
Magikrazy said:
Looking at the roster list, the only true confirmed true lefties in Mario are Waluigi, Dry Bones, Boo, and Petey Piranha.

Of course, Petey creates tornadoes with his right leaf in Sunshine and Waluigi and Boo hold tennis rackets in their right hand by default, so really just Dry Bones.

But I'm sure there's a minigame in Mario Party 7 or 8 that disproves that.
But what about Bowser Jr.?

Maybe they're all ambidextrous?
No, Junior bats left in Superstar Baseball even though he's on the right side. It's just that he holds it awkward.

Although there are several conflicting sources on Jr.'s handedness, but I dismiss them as animator oversight, and I think Bowser Jr. is left-handed.
Maybe I'm overanalyzing anyway.

After all, I don't do literally everything with my left hand, but I still consider myself a lefty.
I don't either, but I do MOST things with my left hand. I do sometimes subconscious do things with my right, but I don't know if that's me or if it's just me raised in a society where I'm supposed to use my right hand a lot.
I used to think left hand right hand was a boy vs girl thing because all the men in my family were left handed.
lol, well, everyone except for my dad in my family is left-handed, so I wondered if it is genetics. Turns out that it's not likely genetics.
Also in both Golf games he's in, he does a one-handed swing and holds the club in his left hand by default.

