For everything Bowser

Still think the Mario bros should have been raised by Yoshis.
Mcmadness said:
Well if it means anything, I hate the SPM version of Bowser since I pretty much see it as a mockery of his character.
Uh-huh. He barely acts different from TTYD. Tell me Mcmadness, is there a single thing you can even stand about Super Paper Mario?

Mcmadness said:
Still think the Mario bros should have been raised by Yoshis.
I know it sounds like a crappy Miiverse fanfic, but I think there should be an evil Yoshi who turns himself into a superpowered cyborg to kill his own race.
Magikrazy said:
Mcmadness said:
Still think the Mario bros should have been raised by Yoshis.
But then the Marios wouldnt have moved to Brooklyn and they wouldn't have become plumbers
Great! I hated all the crappy TV shows about the Mario Bros.
Fat Mario said:
Uh-huh. He barely acts different from TTYD.

Well except that he's more prone to whining like a baby, he's a lot dumber, even by his standards and he's just all around more pathetic, for christ sakes one of his attacks when you fight him a second time is flailing his arms like a sissy.

And I've said enough about that game to last a lifetime. I don't need to bore anyone else with it.

Magikrazy said:
But then the Marios wouldnt have moved to Brooklyn and they wouldn't have become plumbers

Them being from Brooklyn was wiped from their backstory years ago.
Gnaw said:
so youre down with the idea that babies are conceived by *bleep*ing but you also think they are literally delivered by storks?

doesnt that imply that theres some kind of global organisation of stork voyeurs?

In a world like Mario, wouldn't surprise me.
Mcmadness said:
Magikrazy said:
But then the Marios wouldnt have moved to Brooklyn and they wouldn't have become plumbers

Them being from Brooklyn was wiped from their backstory years ago.
Gnaw said:
Magikrazy said:
I think the reason Peach wasn't sure of being Junior's mom was because she had her share of "Mario Parties" while kidnapped.

Plus, babies dont come from vaginas in the nintendoverse. They come from storks.

so youre down with the idea that babies are conceived by fucking but you also think they are literally delivered by storks?

doesnt that imply that theres some kind of global organisation of stork voyeurs?
When yoshi's island showed they grew up in the mushroom kingdom. Plus I doubt they needed to go to brooklyn to learn how to be plumbers anyhow.
It showed them in the Mushroom World as babies, but not as kids or teenagers.

I think some time after the Yoshi games, the Koopas took control of the land. The Mario family had to move back to their old hometown, Brooklyn, NY.
They have. It was largely a product of the west anyhow.
Basically I'd be saying the same things 22 also said but here's some more commentary because I'm finally back from work and have a chance to do it myself:

Baby Luigi said:
When I draw things, I fit things in accordance to my tastes, so in a sense, yes, I can flex characters in basically any way I want them. When characters have even less of a personality, that even gives me more artistic integrity to do whatever I want about that, actually. The Mario games don't really have an established canon anyway, it's up to the individual to decide what's canon or not, that's the beauty of the Mario series. And is there anything wrong to portray Bowser anything totally out of character? I would find it amusing to see Bowser depicted in a cowardly manner, personally. It really depends on what you're into.

I know you can thrust a new personality onto characters as can anyone else, I'm not denying that. What I said was that if a character already has an established personality that defines them that if you just give them a completely new one then they're not the same character you started out with and are just a completely new one who happens to look the same. For more information on how that entire thing is abused, just go back to deviantART and check out all of the Original Characters, Do Not Steal, and you're find a whole ton of clones that are completely out of character simply because they can do it.

As for Mario games not having canon, you should look beyond stale old Mario and see that there's actually real characters with real personalities who actually have potential beyond being a stand-in for the player. Shit, even Daisy once had potential. And as for deciding what's canon or not, that really only extends to what's been put forth as canon and using that as a grab-bag if you really feel it necessary, not a license to make absolutely any character any way you want. Shifting away from the common persona isn't bad, but the entire reason this was brought up was because all of what Bowser already has is what makes him good and well-received, not the ability to rewrite him based on your own liking. I agree that seeing a cowardly Bowser would be silly, but if you really care about seeing a Bowser that's not gruff and tough, like I said just remember this






Well first, that was never my original argument; I never implied anything that it would be objectively bad and if I did, it's not my stance on this. In fact, I was sorta responding to how you said "furry stigma into everything", which is why I brought up the point that you can do this without making it NSFW. But anyhow, I'm allowed to have an opinion on this stuff, and if I'm disgusted by it, I'm allowed to say that I'm not a fan of it without others saying that if I don't like it, don't look at it. I won't actively encourage banning it or censoring stuff like that, that's plain stupid and it stifles freedom of what people can do online.

The entire furry stigma is believing that it's automatically NSFW. And I'm not saying that you can't have an opinion on it, or that you can't be disgusted, but this entire subject was about the generalized gay male part of the fandom, so what you're saying really has no part other than to restate your own opinion when it wasn't being requested. But as a general statement since the topic is on this, if you don't want people to think that you're saying something is objectively bad because you don't like it, perhaps try wording things in a way that doesn't come off as harsh (i.e. everything inherently sexual must be terrible and disgusting implying that anyone who has any sort of libido must also be terrible and disgusting.) It's not so much a "if you don't like it, don't look at it" as much as it's an "if you don't like it, don't barge into a topic to yell at people for liking it".
I must know where that gif is from.
Well, that was......different.
Derpl Zork said:
It's not so much a "if you don't like it, don't look at it" as much as it's an "if you don't like it, don't barge into a topic to yell at people for liking it".

I really don't believe I was being harsh with my aforementioned comment, I made a relatively mild statement that wouldn't belittle anyone else unless they let themselves get belittled at it. In fact, the topic wasn't "barged" in by people (my twin was like the only one who made a bad comment about this and even then she wasn't yelling at anyone in particular) who doesn't like it. I really think you're being a bit too defensive of your opinion.

In fact here's my original post

meh, you could do that to practically ANY character as long as you have artistic talent, passion, and, uh, creativity that doesn't foray into X-rated stuff

it's not supposed to be offensive at all
I'm speaking generally, not this topic alone. Just the trend that's been getting noticed of how any sexual situation at all seems to have some sort of comment on how it's bad because you don't like it. It's just a heads up for you in the sense of "hey you should probably not comment on literally everything like that". I don't feel like getting quotes because that's way too much effort for just letting you know that this is the feeling often, as well as how this is off-topic.


Yeah I never really got the whole "deviantart is full of pervs" in the first place. There's a reason there's a filter that you can toggle on and off. I myself has barely encountered any of it unless you click on the images that are marked. Most Bowser art is actually awesome and deviantart is an excellent place to find excellent fanart.

well like most things

you have to dig through shit to find some golden

deviantart is one of those examples
I've favorited quite a few fanart on deviant art. It's relatively easy to bring good stuff there, really, especially if search by "popular of all time".
Mcmadness said:
So, apparently Bowser is fairly popular with the gay part of the fandom, especially with fanart of deviantart.

Wonder why?
because they like bowser
Mcmadness said:
So, apparently Bowser is fairly popular with the gay part of the fandom, especially with fanart of deviantart.


That does turn searching for fanart from strange to downright disgusting
Mcmadness said:
The sad part is that this "kid"'s main inspiration was the New Super Mario Bros. series (specifically Wii and 2, which are the weaker installments).

Shy​ Guy said:
Where's the tenth Bowser?

I know it's off-topic, but I actually liked Kirby Mass Attack.