post any random Mario thought on your mind

Possibly since the evidence points towards it (as music was organized chronologically). Though this is an assumption still, not confirmation.

Also, that boss battle thing from Partners in Time...the music was just called snd_bgm_A11_MLRPG02 so we don't know if it would actually be a boss battle track. I do prefer the regular battle music over the boss fight anyway.
I forgot Tough Guy Alert.
Makes me wonder if we'll get some Dream Team or Paper Jam music. Both Final Boss themes would be great to have.
If they do receive music, please for the love of god rearrange them. I don't want DS quality music playing through the speakers of my TV, it just sounds...bad no matter how much of a masterpiece you make it.
I mean, we've already got a thing on for illegal smuggling of drugs so...
I like how in the WarioWare Gold opening cutscene, while Wario is calling Orbulon, Orbulon makes a pose and isn't answering the phone.


Literally the first time I've ever heard him do the voice on his own.
He and Charles Martinet need to have a squabble together.
I only had to listen to the Bowz to identify the the man.
I was thinking about the Spirits in Yoshi Topsy-Turvy (Yoshi's Universal Gravitation for my PALs) last night, and I realized that the Spirit of Cuteness is the only one who doesn't have any arms. Even Hongo and the Spirit Who Loves Surprises have arms.
I realized this because my thought process had all the Spirits doing the "Chain of People" trope in order to catch someone falling or getting blown away or something. And I realized she couldn't participate.
That's Goombaist.


He's gonna need them to carry all the hammies anyway.
YEESH those hands.
Almost all villains in Smash has some relationship with pirates, Bowser dressed as one in Mario Party 2, Ganondorf went against Tetra's crew in Wind Waker, Ridley and Dark Samus are members of the Space Pirates, K Rool is obvious, Wario also has Mario Party 2, Captain Syrup and his Pirate game in Game And Wario, Bowser Jr and the Koopalings ride flying ships, Wolf wears an eyepatch, only one I can't think of is Dedede and honestly he barely counts as a villain
Rule of thumb: Don't play Mario Kart 8 Deluxe's online. Period.
I feel pleasantly surprised that this topic happens in the news:

That's because the news spotted this thread about Mario and Pokemon being listed as two of the top 5 highest-grossing media franchises (the other three are Hello Kitty, Star Wars and Mickey Mouse), and the topic creator created this topic since I pointed this out regarding Mario.

Thank you for reading.
Within the thread

I'm actually surprised Mario is that high. The franchise has hardly any presence outside of video games, and the merchandise is nowhere near as ubiquitous as the other entries on that list.

This is mostly true. Mario merchandise isn't that common, from my experience. Mario is expanding however, through theme parks, Nintendo + third party merchandise team-ups, and I am seeing more Mario stuff in the stores especially World of Nintendo figures and other Mario toys. But still to think that the majority of that revenue is just from Mario's huge game library, that's impressive. Mario doesn't seem to have much of a presence when the video games aren't common, such as in the Middle East and closer regions.
As a native and inhabitant of the Middle East, I can confirm that Video games are not as common as they are in other places, but Mario isn't totally absent from other sorts of merch here either.

Well... in a bootleggy way.

Buuuuut I do have the Mario Odyssey cereal, which I was honestly surprised to know they sold some here.
Lucario said:
Well... in a bootleggy way.
Ohhhh you should contribute to that Look at it thread if you seen any good ones.

How the hell did you find even that cereal as I've never ever seen it in the wild where I am, in suburbian United Freaking States.

And, uh, didn't know you were from there. Hi from across the pond. :)