post any random Mario thought on your mind

Russian Baby Luigi said:
Доли́ны J - Dolyni J - (J's Valley)
Карьер Сыф - Kar'er Sif - (Siph's Quarry)
Оранжерея Кэйла - Oranzhereya Keila - (Kayla's Conservatory)
russian here and they look pretty good!
j could probably be something like "джей"(dzhey) though.
and кэйлы (keily) could be used instead. the original implies the conservatory is named after kayla or something
I did thought about using "джей" to represent "J", but, I've seen some official translations keep the original sound onto there like the P-Wing being called "Крыло «P»" rather than Крыло П. Maybe surrounding the «J» with those arrows (called guillemets) could achieve the same effect I could be looking for? Never used those things in our language.

But thanks for the corrections! It's really appreciated to get help from a native speaker :)
You know, the lengths I see people go to to try and paint Bowser as a good guy is mildly disturbing sometimes.

I mean he's not the spawn of satan or any junk like that but he's a bad person people.
I like Bowser because of how much of a dick he is in Mario Party games.
Bowser apologetics, what lengths do they go to be mildly disturbing?
Princess Mario said:
Bowser apologetics, what lengths do they go to be mildly disturbing?

Well let's just say there is a lot of victim shaming and misplaced assumptions about his motivation for why he does what he does.
To me, it's like saying Megatron is actually a good guy, in spite of his obvious power hungry motives involving hating and killing people. Don't see why his situation is any different for Bowser

unless of course there ARE Megatron apologetics out there so if there are, I stand corrected.
I don't believe there are no.
I find Mario Party fun to play alone but much funner with friends.

Yes there should be a sequel to Captain Toad.
The fact that I have no IRL friends to play with is why I rarely play Mario Party. It just makes me bitter when the game's RNG shafts me for a stupid CPU.
To be fair, while :bowser: looks badass and fierce, he also looks quite cute since the Kotabe days:


If you consider that Nintendo themselves show him as a sometimes comical character who likes to have fun or, if anything, a guy not consistently invested in killing everyone + dog




you can see where these excessive interpretations come from, though I agree on him rather being a competent yet comical/multifaceted/whateveryoucanusetotrytodescribeBowserwhenhe'shappywiththeMariogangcuteetal. villain.
a guy not consistently invested in killing everyone + dog

tickle torture perhaps
Princess Mario said:
a guy not consistently invested in killing everyone + dog

By tickling him, Bowser is forcing Toad to stay in this scene, preventing him from being featured in GMod, where his fate would be much, much worse
As probably the third or fourth Bowser aficionado on these forums, there is nothing wrong with Bowser being portrayed as goofy.
But it is a problem when people fail to recognize that he's still threatening in-universe. It isn't the late-N64/Gamecube era anymore. We even had a game where Bowser almost successfully took over a neighboring (sorta) kingdom without Mario & friends even knowing. Obviously Bowser can't be too hardcore (except maybe in the RPGs), but I've seen him compared to Dedede, which is just plain wrong.
Not that Dedede is a bad character mind you, quite the opposite in fact. But comparisons like that are what people make and they just don't work.
I don't have a problem with his goofiness, just needs to be balanced with the rest of his traits.
Bowser isn't "multi-dimensional" or "multi-faceted", he's just a villain in a cartoon children's game.
I prefer to see Bowser as Mario's rival. The guy who's always butting heads with him and always will be, but due to this their clashes are business as usual so I'd like the plot-driven games to more often deviate from this. I take seriously-evil Bowser less seriously than hammy rival Bowser.
J & Siph said:
So what you're saying is, you don't want Bowser to be a one-dimensional character? I'm sorry, that's not how this works. :'(

No, I like his one dimensional evilness. I just mean I don't want his goofiness to override his evilness.

He's supposed to be loud, evil and hammy, not an incompetent idiot who is too dumb to tie the shoes he occasionally wears.
Well I used to say "too dumb to tie his own shoes if he ever wore any" but then Odyssey happened and well...
I just realized that :bowser: & :bowjr: technically swap fight strategies in Mario Party Star Rush.
Because in that game, Bowser Jr. (albeit, still in his clown car) becomes giant thanks to Kamek's magic while all three of Bowser's fights involve him using a mecha.