post any random Mario thought on your mind

It can still feel baffling whenever people suggest that Super Mario 64 DS wasn't meant to be on the Nintendo DS; the system may lack a Control Stick, but the game is still fully playable.
I like how Wario is playable in that game.
Yo said:
Who are you and what did you do with BLoF

She likes Wario. He's her punching bag.
I love that Yoshi is playable! :yoshi:
I also never played the original, so I don't have that experience to tell me how it's "supposed" to be.
ThatGuy62 said:
English Encyclopedia Super Mario Bros screens.
Also rev up those Japanese comparisons Mister Wu because the book claims that Larry is the Koopalings' leader, again.
Does anyone know what Larry's japanese Smash trophy description says, for that matter?
Sorry that I reply only now, but Larry is defined in the Encycloepdia just like in the Japanese trophy of SSB4:クッパ軍団の特攻隊長, leader of the Koopa Troop's special attack squad.

For some reason, Western translators still interpret that special attack squad as the Koopalings even though Nintendo never said that they are the same thing (seriously, did you expect Nintendo to say something that detailed about them ;) )


This page, though, allows us to see two other convenient translations: we still have the turtle-like Koopas instead of the Turtle Tribe in the bio of Bowser (what's the problem with them actually being turtles??????) and Birdo in Japan still has that bio of someone who considers herself a girl which is completely omitted in the US translation.

Bottom point: if you want an accurate translation of that page, you'd probably be better served by the Spanish version (that maintains all three points above like in the Japanese version, with the only exception that in the case of Larry they say he's the leader of the army isntead of the special squad of the army, but at least they were close...)

Oh, and that SML2 page tells us that we ain't getting Western names of the enemies this time either...
Mister Wu said:
Oh, and that SML2 page tells us that we ain't getting Western names of the enemies this time either...
Remake the goddamn game!
Princess Mario said:
Mister Wu said:
Oh, and that SML2 page tells us that we ain't getting Western names of the enemies this time either...
Remake the goddamn game!
First game first! :daisy: 2019 is the 30th anniversary I sound like a broken record with how much I keep talking about this someone smack me
While checking out the various WarioWare Gold videos, I have seen some people comment about the microgames being easier. However, what they don't seem to realize is that easier microgames usually end up receiving higher point goals that you need to achieve to clear them.

No Solicitors may seem simple enough if you just have to tap the A button to keep the door shut, but because 30 points are required to clear it, the gradual speed increase can eventually make it tough to keep the red beast and grizzly bear from breaking Wario's door. Not so easy now, eh?
you know I find myself wondering what was even the point of Madame Broode in Odyssey? I mean from a boss point perspective I get it but her connection to the broodals as their boss adds absolutely nothing and she never seemed to be involved in whats happening.
Mcmadness said:
you know I find myself wondering what was even the point of Madame Broode in Odyssey? I mean from a boss point perspective I get it but her connection to the broodals as their boss adds absolutely nothing and she never seemed to be involved in whats happening.

The addition of the Broodals in general I felt were pointless. They're pretty much just furry Koopalings.
Mcmadness said:
you know I find myself wondering what was even the point of Madame Broode in Odyssey? I mean from a boss point perspective I get it but her connection to the broodals as their boss adds absolutely nothing and she never seemed to be involved in whats happening.

You would think that the boss of the Broodals would interact with her own siblings. But no, she's hardly involved in the game's story at all.
Russian Baby Luigi said:
The addition of the Broodals in general I felt were pointless. They're pretty much just furry Koopalings.

You aren't wrong but I do like the whole Moon Rabbit thing they had going.

MnSG said:
You would think that the boss of the Broodals would interact with her own siblings. But no, she's hardly involved in the game's story at all.

Are they related? I just assumed it was like Bowser and the modern koopalings, similar looking but not related.
Odyssey's story looked like they wanted a Galaxy-level story, but had to dumb it down due to time constraints. In the process, they left a bunch of unanswered questions, whereas most Mario games don't generate questions at all.

Odyssey 2 had better answer all those questions that Odyssey 1 left unanswered (no, Odyssey 2 hasn't been announced, but I'm sure they'll make it).
Mcmadness said:
You aren't wrong but I do like the whole Moon Rabbit thing they had going.
the association between moons and rabbits are as cliche and overdone as making these broodals wolves and howling at the moon
Yeah but, how many moon rabbits do you see working as wedding planners? :P
MnSG said:
Mcmadness said:
Are they related? I just assumed it was like Bowser and the modern koopalings, similar looking but not related.

Maybe. Maybe not. We just don't know.

Didn't she call them "my darling Broodals" in the Moon Kingdom rematch? Either they're related or she treats them like family.
So having recently gone through another playthrough of DreamTeam, I standby that Antasma is an utterly dull villain and him getting used as a pawn for Bowser was the best thing they could have done with him.
Mcmadness said:
So having recently gone through another playthrough of DreamTeam, I standby that Antasma is an utterly dull villain and him getting used as a pawn for Bowser was the best thing they could have done with him.
You gotta admit his accent is cool. "Vork vith me!" I will never stop laughing at that.
I'd say that's the worst part about him actually.
I'd also say it's the best part about him but...

it's really the only thing that defines him at all. he's nothing otherwise.