post any random Mario thought on your mind

i have a stupidly specific thought that i wanna share here because i can

if Crazee Dayzees ever appear again in an RPG Mario game, in a battle, they should chug soda water from a bottle for one turn. this basically charges up a bubble-based attack for the next turn, where they belch a bubble to encase you with it, which would slowly drain your FP (or whatever power points are called in that game) for a few turns.

i don't know how practical it is, but in my mind that sounds delightfully infuriating, especially if you encounter them in an enemy-concentrated, save point-lacking area like the Pit of 100 trials. the entire basis of this idea was "wouldn't it be cool if the Bubble Dayzees from Yoshi's Island were referenced somewhere lol"
I'm thinking about the flurry enemies from Mario Bros 2 on NES. Are they edible? They look like walking snow cones.

If you eat a walking snow cone, is it cannibalism?
As much as I like Super Mario Bros 3, I never did get used to how item blocks work in that game. I expect the power ups to move to the right, but it goes to the left instead. It always throws me off.
it depends on the side you hit the block from. if you bump your head--erm, fist--into the left half of the block, the mushroom goes right; if you bump into the right half, the mushroom goes left.
Yeah, I'm just too used to how the other games do it that it surprises me when I replay Mario 3, lol.

I dare anyone to beat this score. 24 rounds of Bob-omb Blast, with normal difficulty CPUs and three-minute rounds.

Why are Blooper Babies portrayed without pupils in-game?

Developer answer: Because their model is small enough that rendering them with pupils is difficult and superfluous

Mushroom Kingdom biologist answer: being the ferocious, bloodthirsty, nimble predators they are (any Super Mario Bros. player can relate), Bloopers can nurse and protect their offspring with great ease. with Bloopers having evolved to be highly dependable on their mother at birth, sight is pretty much redundant until they're about 1 week old, so their pupils are closed shut. promotional renders only depict baby Bloopers at a more mature stage:

Who actually made use of recipes in Paper Mario games.

I've watched playthroughs of Paper Mario 64 by my brother, my sister twice. Both beat the game. Neither ever bothered with the recipes really.

The game is too easy to really need recipes but also the inventory in Paper Mario 64 is uber restrained and so you can't really afford to be carrying ingredients, so it doesn't make sense from that standpoint to use recipes as a way to compress inventory space (plus it's not worth carrying that crap back and forth from the overworld and Toad Town). The resulting food have barely any interesting effects either, it's mostly just to restore health and flower points. Maybe it's to sell them??? Though it's not like money is in shortage in these games.

Like not even ROM hacks that increase the difficulty of the game, I don't see players making use of recipes, when ROM hacks already drop stronger items anyway.

Egg Missile with Double Dip on Lava Piranha is the only good thing from these recipes. It's broken!
It's a neat concept but is there a way we can fix it because the current setup isn't very rewarding the same way cooking is in Breath of the Wild.
yeah the game always gave you all the items you ever needed anyway and it's not like the things you cook really give you much of an edge in combat. The way it is it's really just an extra list to fill
Who actually made use of recipes in Paper Mario games.

I've watched playthroughs of Paper Mario 64 by my brother, my sister twice. Both beat the game. Neither ever bothered with the recipes really.

The game is too easy to really need recipes but also the inventory in Paper Mario 64 is uber restrained and so you can't really afford to be carrying ingredients, so it doesn't make sense from that standpoint to use recipes as a way to compress inventory space (plus it's not worth carrying that crap back and forth from the overworld and Toad Town). The resulting food have barely any interesting effects either, it's mostly just to restore health and flower points. Maybe it's to sell them??? Though it's not like money is in shortage in these games.

Like not even ROM hacks that increase the difficulty of the game, I don't see players making use of recipes, when ROM hacks already drop stronger items anyway.

Egg Missile with Double Dip on Lava Piranha is the only good thing from these recipes. It's broken!

I think how they can improve recipes is that you first have to "unlock" them by getting the ingredients first and foremost, and then you can cook them any time you like once after it's unlocked. I don't think it'll still get more use out of it because of how ridiculously easy Paper Mario is and how constrained inventory space can get but it'll at least cut down the cumbersome wild goose chase across the Paper Mario universe trying to find the ingredients.
How do the spiked balls with Spikes spit up and throw function? Those things are almost as big as their bellies. Are they like hairballs? Or do they need to eat food and process it into the balls? How many of those things can they generate? I feel like this will never be answered, and I'll reach old age bitterly because I never learned the truth.



Stare at the almighty ZERO.