Occasionally Returns
Fluffy boi(or possibly gurl?)
As you would expect, Pokemon is full of nonsense. However, there's some things in it that cross the line. So grab your popcorn and let's get started
Pokedex Entries: I figured this would be a good start, so why not? Ho-Oh has seven colored wings...
. Well, then again, the pokedex does say that the colors depend on the angle, so I'll let that slide. Next. According to Pt, a Magikarp can leap over a mountain. However, HG says otherwise, claiming that a Magikarp never leaps over 7 feet. Okay, next. Tentacruel ensnares its victims with.... 80 tentacles!?
Okay, that's enough. Next.
Heights/Lenghts: I bet I'd look cool riding a Salamence-wait, it's only 4'11" tall? I'm pretty sure that's at the shoulder like most quadrupeds in real life are measured, so that's still pretty sizable considering the length of its neck. *checks Pokedex size comparison* Okay, it's only 4'11" when its neck is upright. Then me and most other people would look silly riding this thing because of the height difference. *sigh* Next. Arbok is at a height of 11'6" tall? *checks pokedex size comparison* Oh, that's just its length. Then why does it say "height?" Height and length are two different things! Just why? Next. If Waillord is 47'7" long, then Groudon and Kyogre, ruler of Land and ruler of Sea, must be huge! Oh, Groudon is only 11'6" tall and Kyogre is only 14'9"(shorter than real orcas, which Kyogre seems to be based off of) long. Just no. Next.
Weights: Whoa, Mega Swampert and 6'3" with that Schwarzenegger build must be massive-220 pounds? And Sceptile weighs 122 pounds!? I could understand Blaziken being light for 6'3" because of its skinny build mixed with the fact that it's a bird, but Sceptile would have to weigh over 175 pounds and Swamper would have to weigh more than a Gorilla that's 5'8" upright(400 pounds). Then Gligar, a flying type that's only 3'7" weighs.... 143 POUNDS!? Where does that weight even come from!? I mean, it's kinda chubby but still! That's almost as heavy as me, and I'm like 2.5 taller than it. Next. Dialga is a 17'9" STEEL DRAGON WITH A BULKY BUILD(A skinny 17' giraffe in real life weighs 1.5 tons, so Dialga must be twice that heavy) weighs in at a massive... .75 tons? Ugh, that's enough. Next
Egg groups: Gardevoir, Ralts and Kirlia are all cute and also fairy-type, so they must be in there if Glalie is in the fairy group, right? Oh, um, human-shape, because they do look humanoid, right? Oh, they're just in the minerals. So who can they breed with? Sludge and Stunfisk? Oh boy. So what about the Honedge line-wait, swords have genders but not magnets? Um, okay? Well, let's see. Swords breed with garbage. Yeah, sure, why not? And an 8'2" T-rex(somehow not even weighing well over 1,000 pounds) can get it on with a 2' fish. The Nidoking cannot breed with a Nidoqueen, although he'll breed with her non-evolved forms. I guess I'll just name my Nidoking "Candy Man."
Movepools: Wooper can punch? With what, its tail? Shroomish can punch. With what, its head? Then there's Primape(yes, I know that Mankey has a tail, but Primape doesn't for some reason) who can learn iron tail. In one game, one said something like "I learned Iron Tail without a tail. You know what that means?"... PAUSE.
So what have you all noticed?
So what kind of nonsense have you seen in Pokemon.
Pokedex Entries: I figured this would be a good start, so why not? Ho-Oh has seven colored wings...

Heights/Lenghts: I bet I'd look cool riding a Salamence-wait, it's only 4'11" tall? I'm pretty sure that's at the shoulder like most quadrupeds in real life are measured, so that's still pretty sizable considering the length of its neck. *checks Pokedex size comparison* Okay, it's only 4'11" when its neck is upright. Then me and most other people would look silly riding this thing because of the height difference. *sigh* Next. Arbok is at a height of 11'6" tall? *checks pokedex size comparison* Oh, that's just its length. Then why does it say "height?" Height and length are two different things! Just why? Next. If Waillord is 47'7" long, then Groudon and Kyogre, ruler of Land and ruler of Sea, must be huge! Oh, Groudon is only 11'6" tall and Kyogre is only 14'9"(shorter than real orcas, which Kyogre seems to be based off of) long. Just no. Next.
Weights: Whoa, Mega Swampert and 6'3" with that Schwarzenegger build must be massive-220 pounds? And Sceptile weighs 122 pounds!? I could understand Blaziken being light for 6'3" because of its skinny build mixed with the fact that it's a bird, but Sceptile would have to weigh over 175 pounds and Swamper would have to weigh more than a Gorilla that's 5'8" upright(400 pounds). Then Gligar, a flying type that's only 3'7" weighs.... 143 POUNDS!? Where does that weight even come from!? I mean, it's kinda chubby but still! That's almost as heavy as me, and I'm like 2.5 taller than it. Next. Dialga is a 17'9" STEEL DRAGON WITH A BULKY BUILD(A skinny 17' giraffe in real life weighs 1.5 tons, so Dialga must be twice that heavy) weighs in at a massive... .75 tons? Ugh, that's enough. Next
Egg groups: Gardevoir, Ralts and Kirlia are all cute and also fairy-type, so they must be in there if Glalie is in the fairy group, right? Oh, um, human-shape, because they do look humanoid, right? Oh, they're just in the minerals. So who can they breed with? Sludge and Stunfisk? Oh boy. So what about the Honedge line-wait, swords have genders but not magnets? Um, okay? Well, let's see. Swords breed with garbage. Yeah, sure, why not? And an 8'2" T-rex(somehow not even weighing well over 1,000 pounds) can get it on with a 2' fish. The Nidoking cannot breed with a Nidoqueen, although he'll breed with her non-evolved forms. I guess I'll just name my Nidoking "Candy Man."
Movepools: Wooper can punch? With what, its tail? Shroomish can punch. With what, its head? Then there's Primape(yes, I know that Mankey has a tail, but Primape doesn't for some reason) who can learn iron tail. In one game, one said something like "I learned Iron Tail without a tail. You know what that means?"... PAUSE.
So what have you all noticed?
So what kind of nonsense have you seen in Pokemon.