2001: A Mario Odyssey

GmanSir said:
Pauline is now more canon than Daisy.

She already was more canon than Daisy, considering she was the very first damsel in distress Mario rescued.
Rocket Raccoon said:
i like when mario took control of a regular-ass everyday human
Also this thinking this will be in Odyssey. I know it was art for Super Mario Run but we never even saw a Samurai Mario in that game.


Also Miyamoto wore this shirt when Jimmy Fallon played BotW.
Hopefully, it will be. Expecting it will be there. You can't put so much effort if it's gonna be on some T-shirt.
GmanSir said:
Pauline is now more canon than Daisy.

It will feel strange that Mario can control a T-Rex. Yoshi has to be very mad that he's getting the cold shoulder again.
MnSG said:
It will feel strange that Mario can control a T-Rex. Yoshi has to be very mad that he's getting the cold shoulder again.

Nah. He's getting his own game soon.
Yoshi can wield a goddamn bazooka in another game coming out, as well as another platformer starring him. If there's anyone getting the cold shoulder, it's most certainly not Yoshi.
I hope the story is good.

Nintendo needs to redeem itself for what they did to Sticker Star, Paper Jam, and Color Splash. Restricting creativity from the devs just because Miyamoto dislikes story should not be tolerated by any fan. Hearing about Superstar Saga's remake makes me VERY faithful though!

It looks like there will be some story in Odyssey, so I look forward to this game. And everything else is amazing.
Baby Luigi said:
Yoshi can wield a goddang bazooka in another game coming out, as well as another platformer starring him. If there's anyone getting the cold shoulder, it's most certainly not Yoshi.

Maybe not for his own series, but most certainly for the Super Mario mainstream series.
He's not being left out as long as Waluigi, Daisy, and Toadette continue to exist.
god this game is looking amazing, the main theme is fucking awesome, and pauline is smokin, the game looks gorgous, first game in a long fucking time ive been hyped for, good job nintendo.
infinite8 said:

So, it's the first time for a non-cartoonish dinosaur to appear in a Mario game.
is this those flintstones comics ive heard so much about
I can almost write a whole article about the theme song? Like, the genre, analysis, stuff etc.

This is the first time they have such a big band jazz song, having Pauline back to the stage.

As for those who play music, these are the analysis so far:
I plan to find out the chords, but college has been stressing me out recently. Regardless, I still try to listen to it and find them out.
> 9th second of the music from the 4 min song
>heards ♭IIImaj7 (9), ♭VImaj7 (9), ♭II maj7 (9) and Imaj 7 as the verse starts.

Boi this will be fun.

The intro starts with your C major, but it changes to E♭major at the chorus.

The song layout:
Pickup bar (1) + Intro (9)
Verse 1 - 26 bars
Chorus - 38 bars
A bridge that follows by interlude - 19
Verse 2 - 26 bars
Chorus - 36 bars
Pre chorus + Final chorus - 38 bars, 4 of them being the pre chorus
Outro - 9 bars, follow by a huge pause and the final chord being the end of it.

So I can work on this masterpiece by several ways:
1. Transcribe every instrument out
2. Find its chords and write a lead sheet out of it
3. Directly use a music program to make its instrumental version by ear

Each ways are hell but I will try when I have the time.

Also hi for those who didn't see me post lately lmao
I'm hoping for a return of the Sunshine tropical shirt, but I just realized, as I type this, that it wouldn't have a new hat involved. Darn!
How about the tacky Kisekae outfit? I feel like we need a fashion nightmare somewhere.

infinite8 said:
Note that the outfits shown off in the trailer are shout outs
Football and Inner Tube aren't I think.

Umi Sonoda said:
I can almost write a whole article about the theme song? Like, the genre, analysis, stuff etc.

This is the first time they have such a big band jazz song, having Pauline back to the stage.

As for those who play music, these are the analysis so far:
I plan to find out the chords, but college has been stressing me out recently. Regardless, I still try to listen to it and find them out.
> 9th second of the music from the 4 min song
>heards ♭IIImaj7 (9), ♭Ivmaj7 (9), ♭II maj7 (9) and Imaj 7 as the verse starts.

Boi this will be fun.
Nice, nice.

It's sad, I see people *bleep*ting on the main theme only because it has lyrics or people who hate it because its lyrics are cheesy.

Me, it's such a pleasant surprise and I love the tune for what it is.