Most Notable Mario Fanart? [Sourcing your images are encouraged]

You're telling me that Rosalina's hair is actually glued to her face and cannot be moved at any time?
Now you guys are just really nitpicking.
They made Yoshi's shoe the same color as Roy's skin and Mario / Luigi's sideburns the same color as their 'staches! :mad:
They removed Pauline's eyelashes, Peach has lost two eyelashes, Rosalina has lost four eyelashes, removed Dixie Kong's earrings and the rest of Luigi's hair (There's nothing at all at the back), while Peach has had hair extensions, Daisy has only five petals on her earrings, the side jewels of her crown have petals and are turquoise, and goodness knows what they did with some of the proportions (Look at Roy's arms!).

But overall it is great.

Let's be more positive and get back on topic... :D :D :D :D :D
Mister Apple said:
You're telling me that Rosalina's hair is actually glued to her face and cannot be moved at any time?
No, but I can tell you that people prefer having their hair parted to one side over the other.

I am one of those people. I always go left, never right. Parting my hair to the right just feels wrong. Pun not intended.
I am. But you aren't. You are not real.
I'm not! Beep boop.

(Fun fact: I actually typed that as 'I'm bot'. Which is definitely not true.)
Oh no! They know what I am! Initiating human disguise mode, I must conceal my true identity!
Mister Wu said:
Princess Zelda said:
too bad that it's effectively very difficult to find the proper black background SSB4 image of


Just use this and add a black background

To explain: the character that Princess Peach is dressed as is called Momohime from the game Muramasa: the Demon Blade. If you don't get it, there's a wordplay in the name of the characters, as Momo=Peach, Hime=Princess (note: Peach's Japanese name is Peach-hime).

Thank you for reading.
I've literally been working on this for so goddang long, it's not even funny.

It's actually a remake of this old image that's been used sometimes.

EDIT: Revised first picture.

A crossover between Mario and Crash would be rad.

Thank you for reading.