Things you didn't notice before in Mario games

The Mine Cart in chapter 5.

Whomever made that part needs to be slapped.
The Mine Cart in chapter 5.

Whomever made that part needs to be slapped.
didnt have any problems with that myself as it was cool to see the loopdeloops, it had cool music, it didnt take too long, and there was the cool bit where you flip to go down the alternate path (though admitedly having to go back for it was frustrating)
didnt have any problems with that myself as it was cool to see the loopdeloops, it had cool music, it didnt take too long, and there was the cool bit where you flip to go down the alternate path (though admitedly having to go back for it was frustrating)

I timed it, it goes roughly 1 minute and 20 seconds. A minute and 20 seconds of you watching a slow, not very exciting mine cart ride with repetitive and slightly annoying music.

In a 2D platformer and you have to do it at least 3 times, probably more on your first run through.

I've said this before and I'll say it again, super paper mario is a game that excels at WASTING YOUR GODDAMN TIME
That fucking block puzzle at world 5-1 tho, the guy who had THAT idea should get straight up spanked.

Oh, and Chapter 6. Oh boy! Chapter 6. Suffers from the same problem as SMO Ruined Kingdom except this one's worse! Only thing keeping it from being the worst chapter in Paper Mario is the fact that four fifths of it is optional, and thank god for that.
On the boxart of Paper Mario: Color Splash, if you look closely at the "TM" symbol, you'll see that it's painted half red. This is about the most subtle creative thing I've ever seen on any box art, and it's even better when you consider that it's part of a series that until then had painfully mediocre box arts.
Eh, I think all Paper Mario boxarts are in the same tier with each other, with Sticker Star being the worst one.

cs > spm > ttyd > ss > pm64
Before CS the boxart was quite literally a bunch of characters pasted onto a bland boring background. I want to say Sticker Star is the worst offender, but it really applies to the previous three too. It's like Color Splash is the first time they actually put effort into the cover.

(Funny because Mario & Luigi has a similar story. In Japan the games have always had those boring white backgrounds, and for the first two games the localization teams actually made their own backgrounds before giving up for the third game onward)
I disagree that it's just a bunch of characters pasted on a bland boring background. They're going for a scrapbook style, especially for both Paper Mario 64 and Sticker Star. And I prefer 64's box, since it actually looked like paper or construction paper on a corkboard rather than CG-looking characters that look like they're drawn too perfect to look like paper, and the Paper Mario logo since Super Paper Mario looks woefully generic, and I think that helps with the presentation of the box. I like the 64's logo the most. I think they tried doing the same with US Sticker Star, but Sticker Star's just look like a mess instead, though I do appreciate the felt appearance of various characters in the art, especially the art, while a lot of other Paper Mario games barely look like they're made of paper.

Now that I think about it, Thousand-Year Door's boxart was pretty bland, since it's a combination of characters on the front and then just a watermarked image of the game's map on the background. And why the hell does that boxart have confetti? It would have looked better without it. I don't think it's as ugly as Sticker Star's US boxart, but Sticker Star does have the nice-looking European boxart that I don't see how it's worse than Color Splash's. Or even Super Paper Mario. Though the thing with Super Paper Mario that Color Splash has doesn't really explain what the game is about, it's Mario just jumping and characters standing there in the background, and its European boxart is even more hideous with that ugly yellow background contrasting horrendously with the primarily cyan circle.
In Mario Maker 2's story mode, some of the anonymous clients have very clear and obvious identities:

-"Father of Name Withheld" is Bowser
-"Name Withheld by Request" is Bowser Jr.
-"A Certain Mage" is Kamek
-"Eccentric Millionaire" is Wario
-"Legendary Explorer" is Captain Toad
-"Doctor Gizmo" is Professor E. Gadd
Splatoon's even got a few monikers in Story Mode too: Agent 1, Agent 2, Celebrity MC and Celebrity DJ are all the hosts in the games (first 2: Splatoon 1's Callie and Marie, last 2: Splatoon 2's Pearl and Marina). In fact, I only realise the used nicknames when I see that there's an "Agent 1", since Splatoon 1's Story Mode referred to a disguised Callie as "Agent 1".

I can see that it is the case for most of these, but is "Eccentric Millionaire" really Wario? I mean I don't disagree with the descriptor for Wario, but the speech pattern would've been more boorish if that were the case.

Thank you for reading.
After Chapter 2 in TTYD, Frankly says "Assuming will only make an... Well, you know the saying."

Flurrie responds "Oh, yes. How inappropriate."
Koops responds, "Oh, yeah, right..."

But Goombella responds differently. "No, I don't, but whatever." She doesn't know the saying. Yet Koops does. I was a bit surprised.
After Chapter 2 in TTYD, Frankly says "Assuming will only make an... Well, you know the saying."

Flurrie responds "Oh, yes. How inappropriate."
Koops responds, "Oh, yeah, right..."

But Goombella responds differently. "No, I don't, but whatever." She doesn't know the saying. Yet Koops does. I was a bit surprised.

Oh really?

This is actually sorta inconsistent because Goombella is definitely not as innocent as Koops is.
but you know its kinda more realistic aint it? ones not gonna be 100% innocent right. koops just happens to know what it is and goombella didnt. its actually a really interesting touch
i'm not sure of others agree with me or not but i feel the castle theme in smb3 and the tower theme in nsmbw sound similar, which i've only just noticed
Castle and tower themes are more or less the same thing to me, they're both boss levels and they're both inside an enclosed space. Maybe the only difference is that tower themes are more vertical.
Castle and tower themes are more or less the same thing to me, they're both boss levels and they're both inside an enclosed space. Maybe the only difference is that tower themes are more vertical.
i meant the music. i'm saying the music that plays in smb3 castles sounds similar to the music that plays in nsmbw towers
Methinks it was taken from the Odyssey suit, as it has very similar shoes and a similar-styled suit
Which is not a bad thing tho. They capitalized on how great the wedding suit looked which is... I mean that's the right move, right?