Vending machine

Luigi 64DD gets a Unspecified Flying Object.

Yoshi the SSM inserts a Spiny Shell for the Mario Kart series (just to be clear, it is not the one that I got from this. That one exploded when I came near the finish line and I was in first. I did not get first in that race.)
Yoshi the SSM gets a useless Super Horn, but is then blown up by the Spiny Shell, which escaped from the machine.
BBQ Turtle inserts a smiley face pillow.
BBQ Turtle gets another smiley pillow

A51 inserts floccinaucinihilipilification
A51 gets a dead cat (Because curiosity killed the cat). (By the way, above had to be searched).

Yoshi the SSM inserts a Boo.
Yoshi the SSM gets a coin for defeating the boo, and the machine spews out a ghost snack. You cannot touch it, it's a ghost.

Koops inserts a vending machine into the vending machine.
Koops gets everything everyone has got so far in this thread, and a coin.
BBQ Turtle inserts Baby Rosalina.
A51 gets (after the vending machine researched it) a Omega Tauri.

Yoshi the SSM inserts :luigi: :luigi: :luigi: :luigi: :luigi: (smileys)
Yoshi the SSM receives actual Luigi.

JL inserts a GameCube.
Yoshi the SSM gets a speed boost.

JL inserts a deck of cards.
JL receives a Joker

Roserade inserts Shy Guy on Wheels
Roserade receives JL.

JL inserts Roserade.
JL receives Luigi 64DD for no apparent reason.

Luigi 64DD takes a Selfie with JL, prints it out, and inserts it.
Luigi 64DD gets a selfie of everyone who is still in the machine... I can't remember exactly who they are now.
BBQ Turtle inserts a dancing banana.
A51 Trooper gets a note from the machine saying, "DO NOT INSERT ANY MORE STARS OR YOU WILL BECOME THE NEXT STAR YOU PUT IN. So, please stop."

Yoshi the SSM inserts :yoshi: :mario: :luigi: :wario: (smileys)
Larry Koopa receives an army of sentient vending machines.

JL inserts a calendar from 2016.
JL gets a calander from 2018 with future events dated

Larry Koopa inserts his army of sentient vending machines.
Larry Koopa gets an army of sentient fridges.
BBQ Turtle inserts Paper Mario (As in the character, not the game).