Vending machine

Shy Guy on Wheels gets a photo of me when I was 6, scared of Mario's skeleton from Super Mario Galaxy after dying in Flipswitch Galaxy

Julia-BM inserts a Pink Gold Nathaniel Bandy
LED42 gets Fawful's cloak.
BBQ Turtle inserts a mini sewing machine.
LED42 gets 2 Teehee Blends and 5 Hee Beans back.

Yoshi the SSM inserts a Game Boy Horror SP.
Yoshi the SSM gets a Dual Scream Frite.
BBQ Turtle inserts a magnifying glass.
LED42 gets my old pair of pink Crocs from 3rd grade that turned light purple while in contact with sunlight (Yes, I actually had those. They're called Chameleon Crocs)

Julia-BM inserts both genders of Agent 8 (Splatoon 2 Octo Expansion) wearing Shadow the Hedgehog costumes
LED42 gets attacked by freshly-cloned dinosaurs.
BBQ Turtle inserts a swing.
BBQ Turtle gets a swing with some Shy Guys sitting in it.

I insert the following song into the vending machine:

John Denver Fan gets an action figure of Alan Jackson

ToadGamer inserts a Tennis Racket.
ToadGamer gets a Mario Tennis game of his choice for free (though if he wants Mario Tennis Aces, he would have to wait until it actually comes out).

Yoshi the SSM inserts a "No Dogs Allowed" sign he just randomly found.
ToadGamer gets the exact same jar back, just without any pickles.
BBQ Turtle inserts a submarine.
Plaque Knight gets a ton of of Bird pies.

I insert a Corrin Amiibo into the vending machine.
BBQ Turtle gets a polar bear.

I insert the picture of Felicia which is in my signature into the vending machine.